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We have set a clear and focused goal:  to work with all members of this body to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat al Qaeda and its extremist allies -- a network that has killed thousands of people of many faiths and nations, and that plotted to blow up this very building.  In Afghanistan and Pakistan, we and many nations here are helping these governments develop the capacity to take the lead in this effort, while working to advance opportunity and security for their people.

我们制定了坚定不移的明确目标:同联合国所有成员共同努力,打击、摧垮并击溃基地组织(al Qaeda)及其极端主义同伙——这个网络杀害了持不同信仰、来自不同国家的成千上万的民众,并曾策划炸毁这座大楼。在阿富汗(Afghanistan)和巴基斯坦(Pakistan),我们和在座的很多国家正在帮助这两个国家的政府建设主导这项行动的能力,同时努力为这两个国家的人民增进机会和安全。

In Iraq, we are responsibly ending a war.  We have removed American combat brigades from Iraqi cities, and set a deadline of next August to remove all our combat brigades from Iraqi territory.  And I have made clear that we will help Iraqis transition to full responsibility for their future, and keep our commitment to remove all American troops by the end of 2011.


I have outlined a comprehensive agenda to seek the goal of a world without nuclear weapons.  In Moscow, the United States and Russia announced that we would pursue substantial reductions in our strategic warheads and launchers.  At the Conference on Disarmament, we agreed on a work plan to negotiate an end to the production of fissile materials for nuclear weapons.  And this week, my Secretary of State will become the first senior American representative to the annual Members Conference of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty.

我提出了一项综合议程,寻求实现一个没有核武器的世界的目标。在莫斯科,美国和俄罗斯共同宣布大幅度削减我们的战略弹头和发射器。在裁军会议(Conference on Disarmament)上,我们赞同一项工作计划,通过谈判终止用于制造核武器的可裂变物质的生产。这个星期,我国国务卿将成为出席年度性《全面禁止核试验条约》缔约国会议(Members Conference of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty)的第一位高层美国代表。

Upon taking office, I appointed a Special Envoy for Middle East Peace, and America has worked steadily and aggressively to advance the cause of two states -- Israel and Palestine -- in which peace and security take root, and the rights of both Israelis and Palestinians are respected.

我在就任之初便任命了一位中东和平事务特使(Special Envoy for Middle East Peace),美国一直在稳步地、积极地推进以色列(Israel)和巴勒斯坦(Palestine)两国并存的方针——让和平与安全扎下根基,让以色列人和巴勒斯坦人的权利同时得到尊重。

To confront climate change, we have invested $80 billion in clean energy.  We have substantially increased our fuel-efficiency standards.  We have provided new incentives for conservation, launched an energy partnership across the Americas, and moved from a bystander to a leader in international climate negotiations.


To overcome an economic crisis that touches every corner of the world, we worked with the G20 nations to forge a coordinated international response of over $2 trillion in stimulus to bring the global economy back from the brink.  We mobilized resources that helped prevent the crisis from spreading further to developing countries.  And we joined with others to launch a $20 billion global food security initiative that will lend a hand to those who need it most, and help them build their own capacity.


We've also re-engaged the United Nations.  We have paid our bills.  We have joined the Human Rights Council.  (Applause.)  We have signed the Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.  We have fully embraced the Millennium Development Goals.  And we address our priorities here, in this institution -- for instance, through the Security Council meeting that I will chair tomorrow on nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament, and through the issues that I will discuss today.

我们还重新参与联合国事务。我们支付了会费。我们加入了人权理事会(Human Rights Council)。(掌声)我们签署了《残疾人权利公约》(Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities)。我们全面采纳了千年发展目标(Millennium Development Goals)。我们在这里,在这个机制内提出我们的重点议题——例如通过我明天将主持的有关核不扩散和裁军问题的安理会(Security Council)会议,以及通过我今天要谈到的一系列问题。

This is what we have already done.  But this is just a beginning.  Some of our actions have yielded progress.  Some have laid the groundwork for progress in the future.  But make no mistake:  This cannot solely be America's endeavor.  Those who used to chastise America for acting alone in the world cannot now stand by and wait for America to solve the world's problems alone.  We have sought -- in word and deed -- a new era of engagement with the world.  And now is the time for all of us to take our share of responsibility for a global response to global challenges.


Now, if we are honest with ourselves, we need to admit that we are not living up to that responsibility.  Consider the course that we're on if we fail to confront the status quo:  Extremists sowing terror in pockets of the world; protracted conflicts that grind on and on; genocide; mass atrocities; more nations with nuclear weapons; melting ice caps and ravaged populations; persistent poverty and pandemic disease.  I say this not to sow fear, but to state a fact:  The magnitude of our challenges has yet to be met by the measure of our actions.


This body was founded on the belief that the nations of the world could solve their problems together.  Franklin Roosevelt, who died before he could see his vision for this institution become a reality, put it this way -- and I quote:  "The structure of world peace cannot be the work of one man, or one party, or one nation….  It cannot be a peace of large nations -- or of small nations.  It must be a peace which rests on the cooperative effort of the whole world."

联合国的建立以世界各国能够共同解决问题的信念为基础。富兰克林∙罗斯福(Franklin Roosevelt)去世前未能看到他设想的这个机构成为现实。罗斯福曾经表示——以下是我引用他的话:“世界和平的大厦不可能是一个人、一个政党或一个国家的产物……。不能只有大国的和平——或只有小国的和平。和平必须以全世界同心协力为基础。”

The cooperative effort of the whole world.  Those words ring even more true today, when it is not simply peace, but our very health and prosperity that we hold in common.  Yet we also know that this body is made up of sovereign states.  And sadly, but not surprisingly, this body has often become a forum for sowing discord instead of forging common ground; a venue for playing politics and exploiting grievances rather than solving problems. After all, it is easy to walk up to this podium and point figures -- point fingers and stoke divisions.  Nothing is easier than blaming others for our troubles, and absolving ourselves of responsibility for our choices and our actions.  Anybody can do that.  Responsibility and leadership in the 21st century demand more.


In an era when our destiny is shared, power is no longer a zero-sum game.  No one nation can or should try to dominate another nation.  No world order that elevates one nation or group of people over another will succeed.  No balance of power among nations will hold.  The traditional divisions between nations of the South and the North make no sense in an interconnected world; nor do alignments of nations rooted in the cleavages of a long-gone Cold War.
