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Vigorously working to strengthen friendship and cooperation with developing countries. Comrade Xi Jinping’s successful visits to Africa and Latin America have fully reflected the great importance we attach to developing countries. By visiting Tanzania, South Africa and the Republic of the Congo, Comrade Xi Jinping set a precedent for a Chinese head of state to visit Africa during his first overseas trip. What is more, he met with over a dozen African leaders at a breakfast meeting, with fruitful results achieved in renewing friendship, enhancing mutual trust, advancing cooperation and identifying opportunities for common development. By visiting Trinidad and Tobago, Costa Rica and Mexico and holding bilateral talks with leaders of eight Caribbean countries, Comrade Xi Jinping has enhanced China’s political trust and result-oriented cooperation with them and brought China’s overall cooperation with Latin America and the Caribbean to a new high.

Deeply engaging in and shaping processes of multilateral diplomacy. When meeting leaders of international organizations, Comrade Xi Jinping stressed China’s commitment to the advocacy and practice of multilateralism and the great value it places on the important role of the United Nations and other international organizations. China will honor its due international obligations and work in close cooperation with relevant international organizations in maintaining world peace and security, promoting human development and progress and addressing global issues and challenges. Fresh progress has been made in China’s relations with major international organizations. Attending the Fifth BRICS Leaders’ Meeting in Durban, South Africa, Comrade Xi Jinping worked for closer communication and coordination with other major developing countries on global economic and political matters of great consequence and brought about progress in building BRICS mechanisms. The Summit issued the eThekwini Declaration and Action Plan, decided to establish a development bank and a contingent reserve arrangement among BRICS countries, thus providing a strong impetus to the establishment of a new international political and economic order that is fairer and more equitable.

The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary has made innovative headway on the basis of past achievements. A sound and momentous beginning has thus been achieved in our diplomatic work. With the layout being more comprehensive and more balanced, China’s diplomacy under new circumstances displays such features as rich ideas, clear priorities, firm positions, flexible approaches and distinctive styles. This has not only aroused greater interest of all parties to further grow relations with China, which paves the way for sound diplomatic work in the latter half of the year and even the next five to ten years, but also boosted the morale of the Party, the army and the people, thus greatly galvanizing the enthusiasm of our Party and our people of all ethnic groups to work for the realization of the “two centenary goals” as set by the 18th Party Congress.

II. Innovations in diplomatic theory and practice have resulted in major achievements.

Confronted with a highly complex international situation, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary has carried forward the Party’s fine tradition of linking theory with practice, made courageous explorations by combining domestic affairs with foreign affairs and integrating Chinese features with the trend of the times, and achieved a series of major breakthroughs in diplomatic theory and practice within a very short period of time. Displaying a strong resolve for innovation, a broad, strategic and forward-looking global perspective, and a capacity to command the overall situation, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary has provided a powerful guarantee in both theory and practice for innovative diplomatic work and better use of the important period of strategic opportunities.

1. Putting forth the important thinking of the Chinese dream with profoundly enriched contents with a view to boosting exchanges and cooperation between China and the rest of the world.

During his trips abroad or meetings with visiting foreign guests at home since the 18th Party Congress, Comrade Xi Jinping has spoken profusely to leaders and people of foreign countries on the important thinking of the Chinese dream, namely, to achieve the great renewal of the Chinese nation.

Comrade Xi Jinping has emphatically pointed out that the Chinese dream is shared by the Chinese people of all ethnic groups and cherished by each and every individual in the country. The Chinese dream requires a peaceful and stable international and neighboring environment, and China is committed to realizing the dream through peaceful development. Since the Chinese dream is closely linked with the dreams of other peoples around the world, China is committed to helping other countries, developing countries and neighboring countries in particular, with their development while achieving development of its own. China will share more development opportunities with other countries so as to facilitate their efforts to realize their dreams. China hopes to see win-win cooperation and common development with the rest of the world. While working to realize the Chinese dream, the people of China are desirous of realizing the world dream through concerted efforts with people around the world.