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Comrade Xi Jinping’s comprehensive, profound and exquisite description of the Chinese dream is a continuation and development of the important thinking of China’s peaceful development in the new era. It has enhanced international understanding and recognition of China’s peaceful development strategy and received extensive appreciation and applause. Many foreign leaders and people from various sectors regard the Chinese dream as fully consistent with the dreams of their own countries and own peoples, and have expressed readiness to join the Chinese people in realizing the beautiful dream shared by the entire mankind. This fact has dealt a powerful blow to the attempts by certain international forces at distorting and smearing the Chinese dream.

The important thinking of the Chinese dream has not only energized our people’s determination and confidence in accomplishing the great renewal of the Chinese nation but also substantially boosted China’s appeal and influence in the world, enhanced our stature and voice in international affairs and given full expression to the strong synergy between our domestic and external agenda.

2. Putting forth the vision of building a new model of major-country relationship between China and the United States while striving to advance relations with other major countries.

To promote the building of a new model of major-country relationship between China and the United States and bring about sound interaction and win-win cooperation with major countries is an important thinking of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as General Secretary concerning China’s relations with other major countries. The thinking is a strategic choice made based on a full review of the experience and lessons of history, a correct reading of the trend of the times and a need to integrate China’s interests with those of other countries. It is also the inherent requirement of the “two centenary goals” and the inevitable demand for our overall strategy of peaceful development.

China and the United States have reached important agreement on the building of a new model of major-country relationship. During their meetings at the Annenberg Estate, Comrade Xi Jinping and President Obama agreed that the two countries would work together to build a new model of major-country relationship that benefits both peoples and the people in the world. Comrade Xi Jinping summarized such a new model with three insightful sentences. First, non-conflict and non-confrontation. That requires the two sides to view each other’s strategic intention in an objective and sensible way, stay as partners instead of adversaries, and properly handle their differences and disputes through dialogue and cooperation instead of taking a confrontational approach. Second, mutual respect. That requires the two sides to respect each other’s choice of social system and development path, respect each other’s core interests and major concerns, seek common ground while shelving differences, uphold inclusiveness and mutual learning, and make progress side by side. Third, win-win cooperation. That requires the two sides to abandon the zero-sum mentality, accommodate the other’s interests while seeking one’s own, promote common development while developing oneself, and continue to deepen the pattern of shared interests. Comrade Xi Jinping also pointed out that to implement the agreement on the building of a new model of major-country relationship, the two sides need to bring their dialogue and trust to a new level, take new steps in their pragmatic cooperation, establish a new pattern of major-country interaction, and explore new ways to manage their differences. The building of a new model of major-country relationship between China and the United States is an uNPRecedented endeavor that will inspire future generations. It is a historic innovation that has no ready experience to copy. As such, it may not be a plain sailing process. Nevertheless, as long as we size up the situation, focus on the goal, be firm in our determination and keep forging ahead, we will be able to achieve sound and steady growth of China-US relations.

Meanwhile, with active planning and facilitation, China’s relations with other major countries have also made fresh progress and breakthroughs. China and Russia have deepened strategic trust, scaled up business cooperation, made new breakthroughs in major energy cooperation projects, maintained close coordination on major international and regional issues and in global economic governance, and achieved new progress in growing their comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination. China and the European Union have expanded cooperation areas, deepened shared interests, and continued to elevate strategic relations and cooperation to new heights. We have also made active efforts and achieved notable results in developing friendship and cooperation with other major developing countries and major regional countries.

3. Putting forth the right approach to upholding justice and seeking interests with a view to enhancing friendship and cooperation with neighboring countries and developing countries.

To strike a balance between upholding justice and seeking interests is at the heart of traditional Chinese culture and a moral benchmark observed by the Chinese nation throughout the centuries. This important principle governs both personal conduct and China’s relations with other countries. Inheriting the fine traditions of Chinese culture and the diplomacy of New China and keeping in mind the new tasks in the new period of China’s relations with other developing countries and its neighbors, Comrade Xi Jinping underscores the need to adopt the right approach to upholding justice and seeking interests in growing relations with these countries. Politically, we should uphold justice and fairness as a guiding principle. Economically, we should pursue mutual benefit and common development. In growing relations with our neighbors and other developing countries that have long been friendly towards China yet face daunting challenges in development, we will accommodate their interests rather than seeking benefits at their expense or shifting troubles unto them.

We will follow the right approach to upholding justice and seeking interests in strengthening relations with our neighbors and other developing countries. During his visit to Africa, Comrade Xi Jinping had sincere and cordial discussions with African leaders, in which he expounded on China’s Africa policy and stressed China’s commitment to cooperation with Africa with sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith. In particular, he emphasized the win-win nature of China-Africa cooperation. He reiterated that China will fully honor its commitment to Africa, attach no political strings to aid to Africa, help African countries translate their strength in natural resources into progress in development and achieve diverse, independent and sustainable development. Comrade Xi Jinping’s remarks struck a chord among African leaders and people. Many of them said that China’s help to Africa is sincere and aims at boosting Africa’s development and that Africa has full trust in China.