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get the worst of it 处于劣势

gild… 使……金子般发光

give sb the slip 把某人甩掉

glazed tile 琉璃瓦

gloss over 掩饰

glower 怒视

gobble up 狼吞虎咽

good wishes = blessing = auspicious remark

good-for-nothing = lazybones

gosling 小鹅,没经验的年轻人

grizzled feather 灰白的羽毛

hanker after 渴望

happen by mere coincidence

harbor/bear hatred/grudge/against…

haughty 高傲的

have the audacity to do … 胆敢做

have… all to oneself 独占……

heartening = encouraging

hearty thanks

high aspiration / ambition

hoard for speculation 囤积居奇

hold sway 控制

homing / carrier pigeon

hoodwink 欺骗

I wouldn’t presume 岂敢

immense joy

imprint 印记

in a daze

in expectation of…

in spite of oneself 不由自主

in the/at dead of night 深夜

in the face of the waning sun

in the twinkling of an eye 瞬息之间

inhibition 拘谨

into the bargain 而且还…

irk = irritate

Jet black 乌黑发亮

joss stick 香

Keep sb at arm’s length 保持距离

keep up with the trend of times

Kick sb when he’s down 落井下石

knitted brow

lay… to rest 安葬,平息

Limpid, insipid

Linden tree 菩提树

loll 懒洋洋地依靠

luminous 发光的

lush greenery 草木青

lush 茂盛的

make a bungle of… 弄错

man of heroic mettle 有血性的人

mandarin jacket 马夫

maxim 格言

megalomania 夸大狂

merit and demerit


mope around 闷闷不乐地闲逛

motley 混杂的


murky 浑浊的,昏暗的

myopia 近视

not a soul in sight

old fogey 老顽固

on an empty stomach 空着肚子

on end 连续,接连

oriole 黄鹂

out of the common 非同寻常

pallor 苍白脸色

pampered/ spoilt child

pauper= beggar

perennial youth

Persimmon 柿子

Piping 尖叫声

piteous 可怜的

plaintively = mournfully

play the fugitive / pursuer 逃/追

plumage 全身羽毛

plunge sb into gloom

poetic feeling/sentiment 诗意

polish up 润色

pound away 连续打击

preen 刻意打扮

present a view 立论

privation 贫困

propriety 行为/举止得体或恰当

prosaic 平凡的

pure and simple 不折不扣,全然

put … to shame 使……黯然失色

put forth buds: 抽芽

quail 鹌鹑

railing 栏杆

rain pelted/poured down

rain-drenched 雨湿的

rank weeks 丛生的杂草

recall… to one’s mind

red orb 红日

relive the old days

remnant 遗留物

reticence 缄默不语

retracted lips 凹陷的嘴唇

retrogression in history 历史的退步

rickshaw boy/man 黄包车/人力车夫

roost 鸟类栖息处

run amok 发狂

sanguine = optimistic

scamper over 蹦蹦跳跳

scamper 小动物/孩快蹦

scholarly dignity 书生气

second self = bosom friend