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set pen to paper


shut… out of view

shy away

silver dollar 银元

sit idle 空坐,空等

skirt around 绕开

slipshod 懒散的,随便的

slushy= snow-clad, sentimental

smugly 沾沾自喜

social development / progress

solicitude 担心

somehow or other 不知怎的

somersault 空翻

sparingly 慎用,节省

speak volumes for … 充分说明

spick-and-span 干干净净

spick-and-span 干净,清爽

spiritual barrenness

spongy fine sand 细软沙子

sprightly = energetic

stage a demonstration


stand guard

stand lost in reverie

stand to do = be likely to do

standoffish 冷淡的

status quo

status quo现状

steer/keep/stay clear of

stem the tide of progress

stirring = exciting

strands of silk 屡屡丝线


stretch far into the distance 伸向远处

strike / touch a (deep) chord

strike up a funeral hymn 奏挽歌

swoop down 向下猛冲

take… to one’s heels 溜掉

tame = docile

tarry = linger

tauntingly = jokingly

That’s a hard nut to crack.

the clatter of mahjong tiles

the droning of machine 机器响声

the endearing grandeur of nature

the living present

the rattle of sabres(军刀)

thump/throb with emotion

tip sb a wink 使眼色

touch upon = make mention of …

touch/strike a chord

transience 短暂,易逝

treasure / cherish memory

treat me like dirt

tremor 小颤动

underdog 弱者

undeserved reputation 名不副实

unflagging energy = energetic

unsheathe 出鞘

uphold justice

usher in a new century 迎接新世纪

vent … on/onto…

verdant 翠绿色的

wait on sb伺候

waning sun 残阳

wax and wane

weigh heavily on one’s mind= bother sb

whisk sth away/off 匆匆带走

White fungus 银耳

window pane 窗玻璃

with gusto 兴致勃勃

2. Sentence

A creamy white ray streamed in.

a large attendance of several thousand

be at the end of resources = exhaust all one’s wits/means/tricks 黔驴技穷

be emaciated and have a sallow face 面黄肌瘦

be engraved/ imprinted/ etched/ embedded on one’s mind

be exposed to the serenity of the elements

be filled with sentiment= sentiment swells up in heart.

be flogged by the scourge of life 受到鞭策

be next door to= stand next to = border on

be tucked away in the depth of memory

endure the torments of hunger 忍饥挨饿

Ever lingering love for you despite our separation. 藕断丝连

give sb a sidelong glance over one’s glasses

glance at sb out of the corner of glasses

identify oneself with broad mass of people

look earthward instead of skyward

lord it over … = reign over… = resume domination over…

most apt / liable to slip away / slip through fingers

my heart palpitates with awe.

pass through life all but once

play ducks and drakes 水面掷石子比赛

rise laboriously bit by bit 努力慢慢上升

Susceptibility is always better than / preferable to insensibility.

through all lands and all eternity