
剑桥大学校园英语情景对话25:浪漫诗人徐志摩 (mp3+中英)


H: Hi Fang. Every time I see you, you've got your head stuck in a book!


W:I'm reading a poetry book by Xu Zhimo. It is so great.


H: I know him! Besides poetry, he also wrote some prose.


W:True. I like his style very much, you know, he was the pioneer in Chinese modem poetry movement.


H: Does it mean that they write in the vernacular style?


W:Yes. I can't believe that you know so much about Chinese literature! Only a few people outside China know him.


H: It's a Chinese friend who introduced his works to me. I only wish I know Chinese better,thus I can understand more about his poetries.

H:是一位中国朋友介绍他的诗作给我的。真希望自己的汉语水平再高一些,这样我 就能读懂更多他的诗歌了。

W: Actually, his story was wide-spreading in China, especially his love stories with three womenZhang Youyi, Lin Huiyin and Lu Xiaoman.

W:实际上在中国,他的故事广为流传,特别是他和三位女性的爱情故事——张幼仪、 林徽因和陆小曼。

H: So that is part of the reason why he can write such great poems!


W: Definitely. His poems like “By chance” were loved by millions of people.


H: I think the most famous one is “Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again”? The Cambridge even installed a white marble stone to commemorate him with verses of this poem carved upon it.

H:我想他的诗中最著名的应该是那首《再别康桥》吧?为了纪念他,剑桥大学竖起 了一座白色石碑,上面刻的就是《再别康桥》中的名句。

W: True. He must have spent a wonderful time in Cambridge which enables him to produce beautiful verses like that.

W:对啊。他肯定在剑桥度过了一段十分美好的时光,要不然他也写不出这么好的诗 句。

H: I'm wondering since there are so many bridges over the Cam, which one is the bridge he mentioned in the poem?


W: I have no idea. It seems that there are many disputes over that. Some said that it is the Byron Bridge; some said it is the Mathematical Bridge and some said it must be the Bridge of Sighs.

W:我也不知道。对于这一点,好像有很多争议。有些人说是拜伦桥,有些人说是数 学桥,还有些人说肯定是叹息桥。

H: This poem is loaded with love and romance.


W: Yes, the rhythm and words are so delicate. Some said that he wrote this for Lin Huiyin.


H: One of the three women Xu has ever involved himself in?


W: Yes. By chance Zhimo met Lin Huiyin in a London International Union and fell in love with her. Both Zhimo and Huiyin were interested in literature and they often met to discuss about literature after they first met.

W:对。徐志摩在伦敦国际联盟遇到了林徽因,之后就爱上了她。他们两人都对文学 感兴趣,之后就常常相约一起谈论文学。

H: Miss Lin must be charming girl.


W; That's for sure. She was beautiful, elegant and smart and later became a famous architect as well as a writer in China. Zhixno was so in love with Huiyin that he request to divorce with Zhang Youyi.

W:当然啦,她美丽优雅又冰雪聪明,之后成为了中国著名的建筑设计师。徐志摩十 分爱慕林徽因,甚至向张幼仪提出了离婚。

H: He has already got married then?


W: He was married when he was 18 years old. The marriage was arranged by his parents. In old China, children had no say in that.

W:他18岁的时候就结婚了,是由父母安排的。在旧社会,子女们通常无权作主婚姻 大事。

H: He must be unhappy then.


W: Definitely. The two then divorced in Berlin in March 1922. At the same time, Huiyin left for China with her father. When Zhimo knew that, he went back to China immediately.

W:肯定的。1922年,他们在柏林离了婚。同时,林徽因和她父亲回到了中国。徐 志摩一听说这个,马上赶了回去。

H: What happened next? Have they met each other then?


W: Yes. But by the time he found her, she had become the wife of Liang Sicheng, the son of Zhimo's teacher Liang Qichao. Zhimo felt desperate and experienced the hardest period of time in his life.

W:见了。但是当他见到林徽因的时候,她 已经成为了梁思成的妻子。梁思成是徐 志摩的老师梁启超的儿子。徐志摩非常的绝望,好长一段时间都十分沮丧。

H: How about the third woman in his life?


W: She was called Lu Xiaoman. Originally, she was the wife of Xu’s friend, who was very popular in the Beijing upper class society. I can tell you the details next time.

W:她叫陆小曼,开始是徐志摩一位朋友的妻子,是当时北京的社交名媛。我以后再 详细跟你讲吧。

H: OK. Xu died in a plane crash when he was young, is that true?


W: Yes, at age 34. He never stopped pursuing truth, beauty and freedom until he died. His death was a great loss for Chinese literature. If he did not die so early, he might have done much more for Chinese literature as well as the world literature.

W:是的,他那时只有34岁。他的一生从未停止过对真理、美好和自由的追求。他 的死对中国文学来说是一个巨大的损失。如果不是英年早逝,他肯定能为中国文 学乃至世界文学的发展作出更大的贡献。