上两周谈到,奥巴马公布《国情咨文》后发电邮,说了一番鼓舞人心的话,然后问道:“will you stand with me as we strive to win the future?”大家也许听过梅艳芳的歌stand by me,stand by有“坚定支持(包括危难时)”的意思;至于stand with则指“站在同一阵线”,情感色彩较轻。接着,奥巴马简述政策方向:
moving forward, america's economic growth at home is inextricably connected to our competitiveness in the global community. the more products american companies can export, the more jobs we can create at home.
this vision for the future starts with innovation, tapping into the creativity and imagination of our people to create the jobs and industries of the future.
instead of subsidizing yesterday's energy, let's invest in tomorrow's....
it means leading the world in educating our kids, giving each of our children the best opportunity to succeed and preparing them for the jobs of tomorrow.
we must build a 21st century infrastructure for our country, putting millions of americans to work, rebuilding roads and bridges and expanding high-speed internet and high-speed rail.
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