用刀仔来锯倒大树,除了有恒心和决心,锲而不舍地慢慢来,更重头的意思,是成功以小博大、以弱赢强。英文的第一个联想,是圣经中戴维打倒巨人哥利亚的故事,the david and goliath story。
戴维是个少年,向巨人说∶"i come against you in the name of lord almighty(我以上帝之名来对抗你)." 之后出手一击即中。弱势竟然可打倒强权,都因为站在精神道德高地。
今日用在真实生活,像有人用小资本创业,a small startup,竟然就打倒了业内的传统名牌,这一幕刀仔锯大树可叫做∶
the small startup beats the big names in the industry.
刀仔锯大树,直译是 use a small knife to cut down a big tree,这句英文骤听像是话人徒劳无功、“搵嚟搞”。也即是说,除非上文下理讲得清楚明白,不然容易令人误会。为了更清楚表示正面的“成功、得咗”的意思,可加入 manage to∶
they managed to use a small knife to cut down a big tree.
they managed to cut down a big tree with a small knife.
掉转头,叫人不要小题大做、大材小用,亦即劝人“杀鸡焉用牛刀”,why bother using a butcher's cleaver to kill a chicken。