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名人教你讲英文:看Rubber Duck学英文(2)


名人教英文:看rubber duck学英文(2)

gre、gmat、sat等考试的critical reading环节要求考生理解作者说话的真正含意,所以大家应多看一些有层次的文章,学习掌握字面和实际意思之间的差异。这次我会继续用博客evan fowler对rubber duck的评论做例子。

fowler对rubber duck十分赞赏:"it is a great example of installed art that both wallows in and draws meaning from its installation."
他又说:"the choice of the toy rubber duck as a statement is certainly effective if not inspired." certainly effective if not inspired的字面义是“就算非神来之笔,也无疑很有力”,实际意思即effective and inspired。不过,if not和and在用法上有少许不同,if not用以连接意思相近但强弱程度有别的形容词,后面的形容词较前面的强,例如reasonably priced if not cheap、smart if not brilliant、mediocre if not bad等。