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轻松英语口语会话 专家释疑(mp3+lrc字幕)

[00:00.00]Kevin: "What are some of the things you're listening for as candidates talk with you during a job interview?
[00:05.51]John: "First,I'm listening for self-awareness.Do they have goals?Do they know what their goals are for one year.
[00:11.66]five years and further down the road?
[00:14.29]I'm looking for team players with good judgment ,who will help my company out over the long term.
[00:19.69]Because I don't want to have to fill this position again in six months.
[00:23.51]Kevin: "So ,candidates will help themselves by being self-aware but not self-centered?
[00:28.73]John:"Yes ,that's a good balance,I'm also looking for adaptability.
[00:32.65]How has the candidate handled change in the past?Given the fact that the world of work is changing so rapidly these days.
[00:39.89]I want flexible people who can adapt to new systems and processes.
[00:44.06]Kevin: "Other important points?
[00:46.22]John: I think that ,related to adaptability it's important to have a good learning ability.
[00:50.90]In any industry ,you have to stay current on new trends and technologies .
[00:55.26]What works today won't work in five years...maybe not even in five months!
[00:59.62]Candidates should be able to master new skills and information as quickly as possible.
[01:04.37]I look for this in resumes and during the job interview."
[01:07.00]Overall,I'm looking for candidates who are a good fit,not just for the job description.
[01:12.11]but for the corporate culture here.
[01:14.09]But I won't come right out and ask:"Do you think you're a good fit for us?"
[01:18.01]No,The whole interview gives me the answer to that question-everything the candidate has said and the way they've acted.