老外说 duck face,可不是 “鸭子脸”,而是这个常见动作!
“Duck face”是什么意思吗?
Duck face is a photographic pose, which is well known on profile pictures in social networks. Lips are pressed together as in a pout and often with simultaneously sucked in cheeks. The pose is most often seen as an attempt to appear alluring, but also as a self-deprecating, ironic gesture making fun of the pose.
Duck face是一种拍照姿势,在社交网络上的个人资料照片中很常见。它的样子是嘴唇压在一起,如撅嘴,通常同时吮吸脸颊。这个姿势通常被认为是为了显得诱人,但也同时也带有对这个姿势的自嘲和讽刺。
除了duck face还有一个自拍表情也很流行,叫作fish gape
Fish gape is open-mouthed and slightly toothy. It’s the cooler, more flattering replacement for the duck face, and it’s called “fish gape.”
Fish gape的表情是嘴微张开的,露些牙齿。这是比duck face更酷、更讨人喜欢的替代品,叫做fish gape。
Just think about the underwater animals as they gape for air. Then relax your jaw and let the slightest ever amount of teeth show. No, that's too much, pull that bottom jaw up a bit. Perfect. Now keep your tongue tucked, dim your eyes a little, and imagine you're looking at a picture of Harry Styles or something incredibly tasty like cupcake Oreos.
Cool, now you're ready to snap your selfie — tell your friends.
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