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ABC新闻:英国首相约翰逊失去议会多数席位 澳经济增速创近20年来新低
The Tamil family at the centre of a campaign to stay in Australia will have their last ditch legal bid heard today by the federal court in Melbourne. Nades, Priya and their two you
ABC News2019-09-05ABC新闻:美国得州奥德萨市发生枪击案 至少5死21伤
Hello, Jam Venesse with the top stories on ABC News.
ABC News2019-09-02
Police in the US state of Texas say five people have been killed and 21 injured during a mass-shooting spree in the city of OdABC新闻:英国首相关停议会 硬脱欧蓄势待发
In a dramatic gamble, British prime minister Boris Johnson has suspended parliament in the run-up to Brexit. The Queen has agreed to suspend parliament for almost five weeks in a m
ABC News2019-09-02ABC新闻:七国集团峰会闭幕 承诺援助亚马逊雨林灭火
The meeting of the world's largest economies in Biarritz in France ended with some hope that China and the US could be moving to resolve the escalating trade war. President Tru
ABC News2019-09-02ABC新闻:中国对美750亿美元商品加税 特朗普下令美国企业关闭在华业务
Hello, Mirian Carol with the top stories on ABC News.
ABC News2019-09-02
Wall Street has plunged more than 400 points following US President Donald Trump's reaction to new Chinese tariffs, on 75ABC新闻:澳大利亚前副总理去世 享年73岁
The top stories onABC News.
ABC News2019-09-02
Former deputy prime minister and Nationals leader Tim Fischer has died. The 73 year old had been battling acute leukaemia for the past decade. Mr fischABC新闻:因不满新西兰女总理的表态 澳名嘴要求澳总理给她嘴里塞只袜子
There's been a tragic end to the search for a missing child near the Sunshine Coast in Queensland's south-east. Scores of local residents and SES volunteers took part in a
ABC News2019-09-02ABC新闻:阿富汗一婚礼遭自杀式爆炸袭击 致63人死亡182人受伤
Hello, Mirian Carol with the top stories on ABC News.
ABC News2019-09-02
A man has died after being shot in the leg by police during a confrontation on Sydney’s Northern Beaches. Police tried speakABC新闻:华尔街从暴跌阴影中走出 俄客机因撞鸟群迫降玉米地
The hopes of small island nations to get support for stronger action on climate change have been dashed. A meeting of Pacific leaders in Tuvalu went late into the night. Small isla
ABC News2019-09-02ABC新闻:悉尼CBD发生持刀捅人事件 澳大利亚内陆发现近百座地下火山
The top stories on ABC News.
ABC News2019-09-02
Australian Rules legend Graham Polly Farmer has died at the age of 84. Farmer played in three premierships for East Perth, before moving to Victoria tABC新闻:美亿万富翁爱泼斯坦自杀疑点重重 美司法部和FBI展开调查
A joyride in a stolen car has turned to tragedy with the deaths of two teenagers, south east of Melbourne. Another is fighting for her life after the stolen car they were travellin
ABC News2019-09-02ABC新闻:澳大利亚关注回收 联合国发布气候报告
The top stories on ABC News.
ABC News2019-09-02
The country's south east is being battered by strong winds and blizzards in a system which is wreaking havoc across three states. In New South WalABC新闻:特朗普枪击案后谴责白人至上主义 埃及开罗多车相撞爆炸致20人死亡
Two days after twin mass shootings that have shocked America and left at least 30 people dead, US president Donald Trump has spoken out against hatred and white supremacy. In a pre
ABC News2019-09-02ABC新闻:美国24小时内发生两起严重枪击案 伊朗再次扣押外国油轮
America is in mourning following two mass shootings in less than 24 hours which have killed at least 29 people, along with one of the gunmen. Federal prosecutors are treating yeste
ABC News2019-09-02ABC新闻:澳洲丰田因车辆存在缺陷面临集体诉讼
The top stories on ABC News.
ABC News2019-09-02
Toyota Australia is facing a class action that could affect a quarter of a million drivers. Lawyers argue Toyota has been selling cars with faulty dieABC新闻:一周两次 韩国称朝鲜发射多枚不明抛射物
These are the top stories on ABC News.
ABC News2019-09-02
A former NSW Liberal staffer says her request for an internal investigation into an alleged sexual assault by a party colleague went nowhere
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