栏目广告位一 |
ABC新闻:中方证实澳籍华人女主持被依法逮捕 印度冰川断裂已致18人死亡
A major health probe is under way in Sydney as authorities scramble to find out how a man tested positive after his 14 days in quarantine. New South Wales health says an extensive
ABC News2021-02-19ABC新闻:澳大利亚将提高海外入境者人数上限
Now to the headlines. The Prime Minister will today ask National Cabinet to increase international arrival caps to help more stranded Australians get home. Last month, the number o
ABC News2021-02-18ABC新闻:工作人员检测结果呈阳性 澳网热身赛暂停一天
In breaking news overnight — Victorian authorities have reintroduced coronavirus restrictions after a hotel quarantine worker tested positive. Masks are now mandatory inside. The
ABC News2021-02-18ABC新闻:为英国抗疫筹款数百万英镑的百岁老兵感染新冠离世
A bushfire emergency is continuing in the Perth hills this morning. Hundreds of firefighters are battling an out of control blaze that has already destroyed 59 homes. Authorities s
ABC News2021-02-10ABC新闻:美国与澳大利亚公司Ellume达成家用新冠检测供应协议
Health officials and police in WA are racing to find out exactly how a security guard contracted the highly infectious UK strain of coronavirus from hotel quarantine in Perth. Two
ABC News2021-02-05ABC新闻:西澳州三地区进入"全面封锁" 澳大利亚近20亿疫苗计划出炉
More than 2 million West Australians are spending their first night in lockdown as the state desperately tries to trace any potential spread of COVID-19 from a quarantine hotel sec
ABC News2021-02-03ABC新闻:澳大利亚工党将公布影子内阁 悉尼放宽新冠肺炎限制措施
A former school principal has landed in Victoria to face charges of child sexual abuse. Malka Leifer arrived at Melbourne's airport overnight after being extradited from Israel
ABC News2021-01-29ABC新闻:新西兰出现两个多月来首例社区新冠确诊病例
Fire crews are battling to control a large bushfire in the Adelaide Hills although authorities say there's no immediate threat to lives and property. The blaze broke out during
ABC News2021-01-27ABC新闻:特朗普离任 拜登就职新一任美国总统
Donald Trump has begun his last full day as president of the United States before Joe Biden is sworn into office. Nearly 200,000 flags have been installed in the National Mall in p
ABC News2021-01-22ABC新闻:澳网72名选手遭隔离 纳瓦尔尼刚下飞机就被捕
Well, the Australian Open is in disarray this morning after a passenger on a third charter flight heading to Melbourne tested positive for coronavirus. It's forced another 25 t
ABC News2021-01-20ABC新闻:澳大利亚海滩事故频发 美国众议院弹劾特朗普
Health authorities across the country are facing a nervous wait with growing concerns the highly contagious UK variant of COVID-19 may have spread outside one of Queensland's q
ABC News2021-01-15ABC新闻:美国会众议院民主党人提交弹劾特朗普条款草案
A new case of coronavirus has been discovered in Brisbane as the city emerges from a snap 3-day lockdown. Contact trace something continuing after the partner of a quarantine hotel
ABC News2021-01-13ABC新闻:美国会骚乱后特朗普恐被罢免 拜登胜选终获认证
24 hours after thousands stormed the us capitol building, there are calls for Donald Trump to be removed from office as an investigation into the security breach begins. Yesterday&
ABC News2021-01-11ABC新闻:澳男子肇事逃逸致2名儿童死亡 气旋伊莫金登陆昆州
There are fears that Sydney's coronavirus outbreak could have spread to regional New South Wales after a man travelled to the state's west while unknowingly infectious. Bro
ABC News2021-01-07ABC新闻:澳大利亚疫情反弹 维州一个月无新增记录被打破
Australia's unpredictable 2020 is set to end in uncertainty as New South Wales wakes up to fresh restrictions. New South Wales will ring in the new year with tougher limits on
ABC News2021-01-04ABC新闻:澳大利亚在酒店检疫中检测到南非变异病毒
Sydney is preparing for a crucial countdown to new years as mystery cases and falling test numbers put the state on high alert. Contact tracers are scrambling to link three cases,
ABC News2020-12-31ABC新闻:特朗普宣布再赦免26人 孙杨禁赛8年裁决被撤销
The top stories on ABC News.
ABC News2020-12-25
Nine new local cases of coronavirus have been recorded in New South Wales from a record 60-thousand tests. Seven of the new infections have been linkeABC新闻:英国新冠病毒变种传染性激增 40多国禁止英国旅客入境
Health authorities are in a race against time to track down hundreds of people across Sydney who may have come into contact with positive cases as Christmas gatherings hang in the
ABC News2020-12-23ABC新闻:澳大利亚新州新增3例新冠肺炎病例
New South Wales health authorities say contact-tracing and urgent genome sequencing is underway to identify the source of three new coronavirus cases in Sydney. The latest cases in
ABC News2020-12-18ABC新闻:美国开始大规模接种辉瑞疫苗
A massive clean-up operation is under way this morning after hundreds of kilometres of the nation's east coast was battered by a massive storm. The extraordinary weather event
ABC News2020-12-16ABC新闻:遭美国政府和多州联合起诉 脸谱网或面临拆分
Here are the top stories on ABC News.
ABC News2020-12-11
The federal government's plans to make its controversial cashless welfare card a permanent fixture in parts of the country have been ditcABC新闻:英国开始接种新冠疫苗 首批接种对象确定
After eight months, Western Australia is finally open to travellers from New South Wales and Victoria. There had been last minute concerns the plan to lift the so-called hard borde
ABC News2020-12-09ABC新闻:英国成为全球首个批准辉瑞新冠疫苗国家
British people are being told help is on the way after the UK became the first country in the world to approve a coronavirus vaccine for nationwide use. The first jabs of the Pfize
ABC News2020-12-04ABC新闻:德国特里尔发生汽车冲撞路人事件
Back home, residents and staff at Fraser Island's largest resort and the neighbouring village have been told to prepare to leave as a bushfire on the island continues to burn o
ABC News2020-12-03ABC新闻:球王马拉多纳去世 阿根廷全国哀悼三天
Iranian state media is reporting that the Australian academic Kylie Moore-Gilbert's been released from prison in Iran where she's been held for more than two years. A video
ABC News2020-11-27
栏目广告位二 |