栏目广告位一 |
Around the world the coronavirus is continuing to affect global economies and test countries healthcare systems as the WHO declared a pandemic. In Germany, chancellor Angela Merkel
ABC News2020-03-17ABC新闻:意大利对四分之一人口实施管控措施 中国一酒店坍塌致10人死亡
The death toll from the coronavirus in Italy has jumped by more than 100 in 24 hours as a quarter of the country goes into lockdown. In an extraordinary measure 14 provinces in the
ABC News2020-03-17ABC新闻:澳大利亚因疫情关闭学校 美民主党总统竞选人沃伦退选
A major Sydney school has been shut down, and staff at a Brisbane hospital are home in quarantine, as the coronavirus continues to spread across the country. There are now at least
ABC News2020-03-09ABC新闻:澳大利亚出现第二例死亡病例 亿万富翁布隆伯格退出大选
A 95-year-old patient from a Sydney nursing home has become the second person in Australia to die from the coronavirus, as the number of confirmed infections jumped overnight. The
ABC News2020-03-06ABC新闻:美联储紧急降息50个基点 美国田纳西州遭龙卷风袭击
As Australia moves to stave off the economic fallout from the coronavirus outbreak, foreign countries are taking extraordinary measures to try and limit the spread of the disease.
ABC News2020-03-05ABC新闻:中国境外新冠肺炎新增病例数超过中国境内 新德里骚乱不断升级
There's been a major turning point in the spread of the coronavirus this morning, with more new cases of the illness now being recorded outside of China than inside. Fresh hots
ABC News2020-03-02ABC新闻:韦恩斯坦罪名成立后被送往医院 埃及前总统穆巴拉克去世
Australian health experts have warned it's a matter of when, not if a global pandemic is declared over the coronavirus outbreak. New cases have now been confirmed in Spain, Cro
ABC News2020-02-27ABC新闻:布里斯班恐怖凶案 丈夫泼汽油烧死妻子和三个孩子
Europe has become a new frontline in the battle against coronavirus with parts of Italy now under strict quarantine restrictions. Venice's famous carnevale is being cut short b
ABC News2020-02-25ABC新闻:特朗普被指曾想用特赦阿桑奇撇清"通俄门"
The mother of three children, killed in a car fire in Brisbane, has died in hospital. 31-year-old Hannah Baxter was pulled from the car in a critical condition yesterday morning. H
ABC News2020-02-24ABC新闻:通用汽车宣布终结澳大利亚汽车品牌霍顿
There have been scenes of joy and relief at airports around the country overnight as Australian evacuees from the coronavirus epicentre have finally been allowed to return home. Th
ABC News2020-02-24ABC新闻:澳大利亚森林大火虽得到控制 风暴和洪灾却接踵而至
The federal government is under renewed pressure this morning over its sport grant scheme after damning new evidence was presented last night to a Senate inquiry. The inquiry has h
ABC News2020-02-24ABC新闻:英国石油公司新任总裁承诺到2050年实现零碳排放
Parts of Queensland and New South Wales have again been hit with intense downpours and flash flooding overnight. Maroochydore and Caloundra have seen almost 190 millimetres of rain
ABC News2020-02-24ABC新闻:世卫组织称新冠病毒是世界头号公敌 首支疫苗或一年半后上市
The World Health Organisation is this morning warning the coronavirus could pose a greater global threat than terrorism. It made the stark prediction at a meeting in Geneva, descri
ABC News2020-02-24ABC新闻:钻石公主号邮轮已有61人确诊新冠病毒
The top stories on ABC News.
ABC News2020-02-12
Forty-one new coronavirus infections have been confirmed on board the Diamond Princess cruise ship docked at Yokohama. It brings the total number of cABC新闻:白宫扣留乌克兰援助被指违法
Heavy storms have dampened some of the country's firegrounds giving crews the chance to strengthen containments lines but the rainfalls are not enough to extinguish major blaze
ABC News2020-02-11ABC新闻:中美签署第一阶段贸易协议 美众议院表决是否向参议院递送对特朗普的指控
Parts of Victoria have received a soaking, starting to clear the choking smoke haze hanging over Melbourne. But as yet little or no rain has reached the fire grounds in the state&#
ABC News2020-02-11ABC新闻:英女王支持哈里夫妇出走决定 奥斯卡金像奖提名名单公布
The Queen has said she supports prince Harry and his wife's Meghan decision to "step back" from royal duties and pursue a more "independent life". Following a family summit at
ABC News2020-02-01ABC新闻:应对山火不力致澳总理支持率暴跌 伊朗击落客机引发国内抗议
The first newspoll of the year shows Scott Morrison's rating as better prime minister has tumbled nine points, while the coalition has fallen behind Labor on the two-party pref
ABC News2020-02-01ABC新闻:美国对伊朗实施新制裁 回应伊对美驻伊拉克基地的导弹袭击
Mirian Carol with the top stories on ABC News.
ABC News2020-01-23
Victorians are being warned smoke will continue to affect air quality across the state, despite rain and cooler weather helping easeABC新闻:美媒称伊朗导弹"误击落"乌克兰客机 英女王紧急应对哈里夫妇退出王室一事
Kangaroo island is again under serious threat this morning, with residents of the island's largest town, Kingscote fleeing to a jetty and relief centre overnight. Two emergency
ABC News2020-01-21ABC新闻:伊朗袭击美军事基地 乌克兰客机坠毁无人生还
Fears the US would retaliate after Iran fired missiles at US troops in Iraq have not materialised. President Trump announced new sanctions, but no new military action. The missile
ABC News2020-01-17ABC新闻:伊朗民众在苏莱曼尼葬礼上高喊"美国去死" 韦恩斯坦再遭新性侵指控
Fire crews are battling to deal with two huge bushfires about to join together to form a mega-blaze near the Victorian-New South Wales border. The Dunn's road fire, which tore
ABC News2020-01-16ABC新闻:伊拉克要求所有外国军队撤离 伊朗宣布退出伊核协议
Rain and cooler conditions in the nation's south east have seen bushfire conditions ease, but local communities do remain on high alert with a forecast return to hot and dry co
ABC News2020-01-13ABC新闻:澳大利亚开始史上最大规模人员撤离 总理灾区慰问遭怼
One of the largest peacetime evacuations in Australia's history in underway, as police escort convoys of vehicles out of fire-ravaged areas, and a navy ship is set to carry hundre
ABC News2020-01-13ABC新闻:哈萨克斯坦客机坠毁致15死 澳政府为志愿消防员发补贴
Hello, Nick Halls with the top stories on ABC News.
ABC News2020-01-09
At least fifteen people have died after a plane carrying ninety-three passengers and five crew members crashed near the city of
栏目广告位二 |