栏目广告位一 |
Health officials are warning there is a very real risk of what they call an "explosive" spread of coronavirus in Melbourne's locked-down towers, likening them to "vertical crui
ABC News2020-07-07ABC新闻:墨尔本疫情反弹 爱泼斯坦前女友被捕
Border pressure is back in the spotlight this morning, as Melbourne's coronavirus outbreak has been linked to new cases in both New South Wales, and the Northern Territory. Vic
ABC News2020-07-06ABC新闻:美最高法院裁定LGBT就业不受歧视 第93届奥斯卡颁奖典礼推迟
Labor is dealing with the fall-out from a political scandal in Victoria, which has seen the departure of two cabinet ministers. The party's national executive will meet as it w
ABC News2020-07-06ABC新闻:世卫组织警告称疫情仍在加速蔓延 远未结束
Health authorities are weighing up whether to lockdown entire Melbourne suburbs as Victoria's chief health officer warns the current spike in coronavirus cases will "get worse
ABC News2020-07-03ABC新闻:全球新冠肺炎确诊病例累计超1000万例
Ten million coronavirus cases have now been recorded worldwide, as countries around the globe continue to battle the deadly disease. Australian authorities are considering locking
ABC News2020-06-30ABC新闻:澳大利亚和新西兰将联合举办2023年女足世界杯
Trans-Tasman celebrations are well underway this morning, after Australia and New Zealand won their joint bid to host the 2023 Women's World Cup. Cheers erupted when the organi
ABC News2020-06-29ABC新闻:世卫组织报告新冠肺炎病例单日最大增幅
Victoria is ramping up coronavirus testing, as a rise in cases there forces other states and territories to review plans to re-open their borders. There were long lines at testing
ABC News2020-06-28ABC新闻:英国警方认定公园持刀袭击为恐袭 全球新冠肺炎确诊病例近900万
Large swathes of Melbourne are this morning no-go zones, after the nation's top health officials warned people should avoid travel to and from six council areas across the city. T
ABC News2020-06-23ABC新闻:美射杀非裔男子警察被控重罪谋杀恐面临死刑
A series of explosive text messages from federal Labor MP Anthony Byrne to former powerbroker Adem Somyurek have been leaked to the media, as Labor internal crisis deepens. A docum
ABC News2020-06-22ABC新闻:澳大利亚推进15个大型项目 以创造就业并挽救经济
The prime minister will today unveil a list of 15 major projects that governments have agreed to bring forward in a bid to create thousands of jobs and boost the struggling economy
ABC News2020-06-16ABC新闻:拜登担心特朗普选举失败后会拒绝下台
A Sydney court has blocked a planned rally for refugee rights this weekend. New South Wales police took legal action against the organisers, claiming they were playing Russian roul
ABC News2020-06-15ABC新闻:"跪杀"弗洛伊德前警官首次出庭 美民主党人提议立法改革警察
There are stark warnings this morning that Australian women will be disproportionately affected by plans to end free childcare next month. The federal government will stop paying c
ABC News2020-06-11ABC新闻:"黑人的命也是命"运动席卷全球
Politicians, indigenous leaders and an Australian cricket captain have all been recognised in the Queen's Birthday Honours List. Former prime minister Tony Abbott is one of thr
ABC News2020-06-09ABC新闻:首场弗洛伊德追悼会举行 三名白人因枪杀黑人男子出庭受审
The first in a series of memorials in George Floyd's honour has been held in Minneapolis. Family, friends and civil rights leaders gathered at the North Central University in t
ABC News2020-06-08ABC新闻:"弗洛伊德之死"引发全球多地抗议游行 拜登演讲抨击特朗普
Angry protests in the United States over the death of George Floyd, are continuing as crowds assemble for an eighth day. A clean-up is underway after clashes erupted in a number of
ABC News2020-06-04ABC新闻:美国骚乱持续升级 澳大利亚进一步解封
Demonstrations and violent protests have continued for a fifth day across the United States, following the death of a black man in police custody last week. In New York, a police c
ABC News2020-06-02ABC新闻:SpaceX首次载人发射因天气推迟 美黑人男子被警察锁喉致死引发抗议
Bad weather has forced the launch of the first manned Space X rocket to be called off this morning. The US had been hoping to make history today. If successful it would have been t
ABC News2020-06-01ABC新闻:停靠澳大利亚货船发生新冠病毒集体感染
Authorities in three states are on high alert this morning, with coronavirus outbreaks at schools, a nursing home and on board a live export ship. Officials in Perth are scrambling
ABC News2020-05-28ABC新闻:澳大利亚多地陆续复课 美国新冠死亡人数逼近10万
Giant steps will be taken to re-open the country this week, as children in several states head back to school full-time, and restrictions on gatherings and activities are eased. Af
ABC News2020-05-26ABC新闻:悉尼一汽车冲进商店致14人受伤 美国上周新增失业240万人
Investigations are continuing today after a car crashed into a shop in Sydney's south west, injuring pedestrians. Fourteen people were taken to hospitals in the area — with so
ABC News2020-05-25ABC新闻:澳大利亚冠状病毒死亡人数升至100人 世卫大会通过应对疫情决议
It has been 79 days since Australia's first death was recorded and the national toll now stands at one hundred. Alice Bacon died yesterday — she was a resident at Newmarch Hou
ABC News2020-05-21ABC新闻:送货卡车司机确诊新冠 墨尔本12家麦当劳关门消毒
And coronavirus restrictions start easing today in Western Australia. From today, up to 20 people will be allowed to gather both indoors and outdoors — including at pubs and resta
ABC News2020-05-19ABC新闻:澳大利亚各地陆续解封 全球新冠死亡病例超30万
The start of the weekend will have a very different feel in the Northern Territory and New South Wales today, with eased restrictions allowing for the reopening of pubs, cafes and
ABC News2020-05-18ABC新闻:法国解除封城 俄罗斯结束全面停工
The federal government is predicting a quarter of a million jobs could return within weeks, as the country slowly eases restrictions. But that's only if Australians abide by th
ABC News2020-05-14ABC新闻:全球新冠肺炎死亡病例达到28.6万例
Parts of Australia are waking up to a very different reality this morning, as the states and territories take control of when lockdown measures will be rolled back. Now we have alr
ABC News2020-05-12
栏目广告位二 |