栏目广告位一 |
ABC新闻:澳大利亚GDP创大萧条以来最大降幅 正式进入经济衰退
Australia is today expected to record the biggest drop in GDP since the Great Depression as the economic cost of the coronavirus pandemic becomes clearer. Economists expect the Jun
ABC News2020-09-03ABC新闻:澳男子因违反防疫规定戴电子脚环 特朗普支持者与示威者爆发冲突
Federal treasury has predict that from December more than half of Jobkeeper recipients will live in Victoria. The restrictions imposed in Victoria have had a devastating impact on
ABC News2020-09-01ABC新闻:澳维多利亚州医院爆发聚集性疫情 美国骚乱致两名抗议者遭枪杀
The Morrison government is moving to introduce sweeping new laws, which would give it the power to block deals involving foreign nations, in a major flexing of its constitutional p
ABC News2020-08-31ABC新闻:警察枪击黑人引发骚乱 美国威斯康星州进入紧急状态
More than 360 returned travellers have been moved out of a Sydney hotel overnight, after it was deemed unfit for quarantine. The Travelodge in central Sydney failed a police audit,
ABC News2020-08-27ABC新闻:澳大利亚新冠肺炎病例增速下降 联邦议会复会
Queensland authorities are on high alert as they try to contain a COVID-19 outbreak in the state's south-east. Nine cases can now be linked to the cluster at a Brisbane youth d
ABC News2020-08-25ABC新闻:特朗普前顾问班农涉嫌欺诈被起诉
State and territory border closures will be top of the agenda when national cabinet meets today. The closures have been put in place to contain the spread of coronavirus, but there
ABC News2020-08-25ABC新闻:中国对澳大利亚葡萄酒启动反倾销调查
Australians are set to receive a coronavirus vaccine for free as soon as it's approved. The federal government has signed an agreement to secure Oxford University's COVID-1
ABC News2020-08-20ABC新闻:维多利亚州酒店隔离项目丑闻不断
Medical experts say they warned the Victorian government of flaws in its hotel quarantine system a month before it became ground zero for the state's second wave. It comes as t
ABC News2020-08-18ABC新闻:阿联酋以色列达成历史性协议 两国实现关系正常化
The West Australian government has passed emergency legislation that aims to shut down a legal claim by mining magnate Clive Palmer that would have bankrupted the state. Mr Palmer
ABC News2020-08-17ABC新闻:拜登选择有色人种女性为竞选搭档 清零100余天后新西兰再现疫情
Health officials in New South Wales are worried that a rapidly escalating COVID-19 cluster at a Sydney school could point to wider community transmission. The Tangara School for Gi
ABC News2020-08-13ABC新闻:维州护士举报酒店隔离项目 悉尼两所学校因新冠肺炎停课
There have been evacuations overnight in a number of communities on the New South Wales south coast, following heavy rain and flooding. The state emergency service has responded to
ABC News2020-08-12ABC新闻:大爆炸致135人亡 黎巴嫩政府宣布在贝鲁特实施紧急状态
Victorians are waking up to the toughest lockdown measures in the country this morning with thousands of businesses shut down and permits now required to travel across the city or
ABC News2020-08-08ABC新闻:墨尔本升级封锁措施 黎巴嫩首都发生大爆炸
Thousands of businesses across metropolitan Melbourne are beginning their final day of trading before the strict lockdown begins at midnight tonight. Services, including retail, ha
ABC News2020-08-06ABC新闻:SpaceX飞船载两名宇航员返回地球 首次商业载人任务完成
Melburnians have spent their first night under curfew as the nation's second largest city faces some of the toughest restrictions since the second World War. Seeking to slow th
ABC News2020-08-04ABC新闻:特朗普建议推迟美国总统大选
The prime minister has warned further restrictions can't be ruled out, as Victoria reels from yesterday's deadliest day of the coronavirus pandemic. Fourteen people died an
ABC News2020-08-03ABC新闻:澳大利亚新冠肺炎疫情加重 新生儿中招
A coronavirus outbreak has hit Melbourne's Royal Children's Hospital, with a newborn among the latest to test positive for COVID-19. The baby was being treated in the neona
ABC News2020-07-30ABC新闻:澳大利亚新冠疫情告急 单日死亡病例创新高
Australia has experienced it's deadliest day during the coronavirus pandemic after Victoria recorded ten new deaths. But one of the country's top medical officers says ther
ABC News2020-07-28ABC新闻:牛津大学早期临床数据显示新冠疫苗能诱导免疫反应
The federal government will today reveal the future of the income support measures which have cushioned the financial impact of the coronavirus pandemic. The 70 billion dollar Jobk
ABC News2020-07-28ABC新闻:澳大利亚疫情持续恶化 政府为自然灾害研究拨款8800万
Australia is counting the true cost of the coronavirus pandemic, after a week of shocking numbers in Victoria, and growing clusters in New South Wales. In Victoria, a further 403 c
ABC News2020-07-27ABC新闻:澳大利亚疫情继续恶化 墨尔本强制戴口罩
Melburnians have been told it will be mandatory to wear face masks when going out in public from this Thursday, as the city struggles to deal with a burgeoning number of new COVID-
ABC News2020-07-21ABC新闻:推特遭遇比特币骗局 欧巴马和盖茨等名人账户遭黑客入侵
These are the top stories from ABC News.
ABC News2020-07-20
Two men in their 80s have died from coronavirus in Victoria, and the caseload has increased by 317. It's the sABC新闻:澳大利亚新冠肺炎确诊病例突破1万例
Australia has passed a grim milestone in its battle against COVID-19, with more than 10-thousand infections now recorded. The deaths of two elderly patients in Victoria have taken
ABC News2020-07-16ABC新闻:悉尼一家酒吧发现多例新冠肺炎确诊病例
More than a thousand people have been told to get tested for coronavirus, after nine COVID-19 cases were linked to a pub in south-west Sydney. All patrons who visited the Crossroad
ABC News2020-07-14ABC新闻:《欢乐合唱团》女星里维拉湖边失踪 被判定溺亡
There has been relief as residents of public housing towers in Melbourne walked free from Australia's hardest lockdown overnight. People in eight of the nine towers were allowe
ABC News2020-07-13ABC新闻:澳大利亚两人口大州百年来首次关闭边界
Thousands of people are hastily leaving Victoria, as the state's border closes amid a surging coronavirus outbreak. For the first time in more than 100 years, the border betwee
ABC News2020-07-09
栏目广告位二 |