栏目广告位一 |
There's been some promising news this morning in the search for a coronavirus vaccine. The University of Oxford and AstraZeneca say their inoculation could be up to 90% effecti
ABC News2020-11-25 -
ABC新闻:南澳大利亚州进入封锁 辉瑞称其新冠疫苗有效率达到95%
South Australia has entered its first day of a strict 6-day lockdown in an effort to quash emerging COVID-19 cases. The restrictions came into effect at midnight and include the cl
ABC News2020-11-20 -
ABC新闻:全球规模最大自贸协定RCEP达成 特朗普拒绝承认败选
Health authorities in South Australia are on high alert because of a new coronavirus cluster likely linked to a hotel quarantine worker. A worker at the Yatala Labour Prison in Ade
ABC News2020-11-18 -
ABC新闻:美国单日新增病例创记录 英国新冠死亡破5万
A former federal liberal staffer is claiming she was bullied in two ministerial officers, before falling victim to what she's termed "a fake redundancy process". Rachelle Mille
ABC News2020-11-13 -
ABC新闻:拜登胜选演讲呼吁统一 墨尔本进一步解封
Donald Trump is still refusing to concede the US presidential election for Joe Biden and his team have already started moving in to transition mode. In a stirring victory speech, t
ABC News2020-11-11 -
ABC新闻:美国总统大选陷入僵局 澳大利亚再签两份新冠疫苗合同
The United States remains in deadlock in its attempt to elect a president. The Trump campaign says it will request an immediate recount in the key state of Michigan. Joe Biden is n
ABC News2020-11-09 -
ABC新闻:法国尼斯发生持刀行凶事件致3死 澳洲邮政陷名表门
Queensland politicians are hitting the hustings for the final day of the election campaign. The handling of the COVID crisis has been one of the key issues, and we should know late
ABC News2020-11-04 -
ABC新闻:欧洲疫情再度告急 德法计划再度封国
Melbournians have celebrated the reopening of retail and hospitality with gusto as people flocked to shops and cafes. While in New South Wales, a new COVID-19 alert has been issued
ABC News2020-11-02 -
Today is the day — businesses across Melbourne are opening their doors this morning for the first time in 112 days bringing the city back to life. When the clock struck midnight,
ABC News2020-10-30 -
ABC新闻:墨尔本放宽限制措施 英国特种部队解救遭偷渡者劫持油轮
Melbourne's coronavirus restrictions will start being eased from midnight tomorrow. Retail shops, cafes, restaurants and bars will reopen, subject to COVID safety rules. Beauty
ABC News2020-10-28 -
ABC新闻:教皇首次表态支持同性伴侣民事结合 美国CIA高官在澳遭微波武器攻击
A school has been shut down and health officials will be going door-to-door in Melbourne's north this morning in an attempt to limit a new COVID-19 cluster. A student at the Ea
ABC News2020-10-26 -
There's new tensions between the Victorian and federal governments over the path out of lockdown. That's as Melbourne continues to record low case numbers. The state record
ABC News2020-10-22 -
ABC新闻:澳新州州长旧情人承认受贿 法国多地将实施宵禁
Authorities in Australia's two largest states are scrambling to contain coronavirus outbreaks this morning. Testing sites have been overwhelmed in the regional Victorian city o
ABC News2020-10-16 -
New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian is this morning facing a parliamentary vote of no confidence in her government. It follows her bombshell appearance yesterday before the
ABC News2020-10-14 -
Authorities in New South Wales are warning the number of COVID-19 infections is likely to grow. There have now been at least eight locally acquired cases in Sydney since Tuesday. T
ABC News2020-10-12 -
Final submissions to an inquiry have blamed Victoria's second wave of coronavirus on the state's bungled hotel quarantine program. Counsel assisting said that flaws in the
ABC News2020-10-08 -
ABC新闻:澳维多利亚州解除宵禁 13万人复工
Melburnians have spent their last night under curfew as Victoria winds back coronavirus restrictions with the promise of a fast track to the next stage if case numbers remain low.
ABC News2020-10-08 -
ABC新闻:澳大利亚疫情补贴大幅下调 简化贷款规定
One of Australia's greatest cricketers Dean Jones has died suddenly at the age of 59. He was in Mumbai commentating on the Indian Premier League when had a sudden heart attack.
ABC News2020-09-30 -
ABC新闻:澳大利亚加入全球COVAX计划 美国新冠死亡病例超过20万例
A search resumes this morning east of Melbourne for a missing teenager with autism. 14-year-old William Wall left his home in the Yarra Ranges early yesterday. Police have spent th
ABC News2020-09-25 -
ABC新闻:澳大利亚多家银行涉嫌洗钱 索罗门发生爆炸致2人死亡
A drop in new case numbers has raised hopes Victoria may exit its tough coronavirus lockdown earlier than planned. The southern state yesterday recorded only 14 new cases of COVID-
ABC News2020-09-23 -
ABC新闻:澳大利亚多所大学裁员 飓风登陆美国引发洪灾
The federal government's push to allow thousands of extra international arrivals each week is still very much up in the air this morning, with not all states on board. Deputy p
ABC News2020-09-21 -
From midnight tonight, metropolitan Melbourne will be the only part of the country still facing these tough coronavirus restrictions with regional Victoria set to open up. Business
ABC News2020-09-17 -
ABC新闻:中国境内已无澳大利亚媒体 男子在黄金海岸遭鲨鱼攻击致死
Relations between Australia and China are at a new low this morning, after the dramatic withdrawal of two Australian journalists yesterday. The ABC's Bill Birtles and Mike Smit
ABC News2020-09-10 -
There's a mixed reaction this morning to Victoria's roadmap to ease the state out of coronavirus lockdowns. The premier, Daniel Andrews, has announced plans to extend Melbo
ABC News2020-09-08 -
ABC新闻:澳二季度GDP创纪录下降7% 德证实俄反对派领袖系神经毒剂中毒
Governments across Australia are under pressure to map out the road to recovery after it was confirmed that Australia has plunged into its worst recession since the Great Depressio
ABC News2020-09-07
栏目广告位二 |