栏目广告位一 |
Hello, Mirian Carol with the top stories on ABC News.
ABC News2019-11-04
Police say a man shot dead by officers at Erina on the New South Wales Central Coast was making threats to set his neighboursABC新闻:澳航停飞三架出现裂缝的波音737客机 巴基斯坦列车大火已致74人死亡
The top stories on ABC News.
ABC News2019-11-01
Qantas has confirmed it has found cracks in three of its Boeing 737s, after completing an audit this week. The airline says 33 planes were inspected,ABC新闻:英国将于12月12日提前举行大选
Britain looks set to head to the polls in December, after the Labour party swung its support behind Boris Johnson's push for a general election. The UK parliament has spent the
ABC News2019-10-31ABC新闻:特朗普证实IS头目巴格达迪已死 称他死得像条狗
The US president has confirmed the leader of the Islamic State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, has been killed in a raid by American special forces in north-western Syria. Donald Trump says
ABC News2019-10-29ABC新闻:英国警方确认货车内39具遗体为中国公民 英首相寻求提前举行大选
British police have confirmed that the thirty-nine bodies found in a truck earlier this week were Chinese nationals. The 31 men and eight women were found dead inside the refrigera
ABC News2019-10-28ABC新闻:英下议院拒绝就脱欧协议进行投票 智利暴力抗议致11人死亡
The Home Affairs secretary has revealed there is little chance Australians stuck in northern Syria will be brought home. Mike Pezzullo told senate estimates that despite a ceasefir
ABC News2019-10-24ABC新闻:英国议会否决新脱欧协议 首相致信欧盟申请延期
The top stories on ABC News.
ABC News2019-10-21
The British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will send two letters to the European Union before midnight in Brussels, but the one he's been forced toABC新闻:土耳其同意暂停在叙军事行动5天 英国脱欧新协议达成
Top stories on ABC News.
ABC News2019-10-21
We begin with a warning — this story contains confronting images and details. Biosecurity officers will investigate the alleged mistreatment of racehorseABC新闻:库尔德武装与叙利亚政府军合作 英国女王演讲曝光首相心机
Opposition parties in the UK have slammed the British prime minister, accusing him of using the politically neutral Queen to outline his election agenda. The monarch re-opened parl
ABC News2019-10-17ABC新闻:台风"海贝思"重创日本 土耳其打击库尔德或令IS卷土重来
The federal government's taking a big stick to the country's major banks this morning, compelling them to explain why they're not passing on the full extent of RBA inte
ABC News2019-10-15ABC新闻:土耳其持续进攻库尔德 澳大利亚发生森林大火
More than 60-thousand people are now believed to have fled northern Syria, as Turkish forces continue pounding Kurdish strongholds, and the death toll climbs. There's been cont
ABC News2019-10-14ABC新闻:土耳其在叙利亚北部展开军事行动 德国哈雷市枪击案致2人死亡
Turkish forces have begun bombarding towns in the north of Syria, as troops mass on the border. It comes just days after the abrupt US pullout from the area. Families have been fil
ABC News2019-10-10ABC新闻:美国宣布从叙利亚撤军 三名科学家分享2019年诺贝尔医学奖
The top stories today.
ABC News2019-10-08
US troops have begun withdrawing from northern Syria, paving the way for a Turkish operation against Kurdish fighters. Donald trumpABC新闻:乌克兰前外交部长驳斥特朗普 印尼6.5级地震造成20人死亡
Hello, Joanna Nicholson with the top stories on ABC News.
ABC News2019-10-08
In the US, House speaker Nancy Pelosi has appealed to Republicans to put country over party as an impeachment inquiry intABC新闻:特朗普批通乌门举报者是间谍 约翰逊在议会遭遇第七次挫败
The White House has been accused of trying to cover up details of a phone call between Donald Trump and the Ukrainian president that sparked a so-called landmark impeachment inquir
ABC News2019-10-08ABC新闻:美众议院启动弹劾特朗普调查 英最高法院裁定首相关停议会要求违法
The top stories today.
ABC News2019-09-30
The US House of Representatives has launched an impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump. The move is in response to allegations the President triedABC新闻:特朗普挑战中国"发展中国家"地位 16岁环保少女批评各国领导人不作为
The top stories on ABC News.
ABC News2019-09-30
Scott Morrison has echoed Donald Trump's call to have China's status as a developing nation removed, and face tougher trade obligations. In a speechABC新闻:英国旅行社破产致60万旅客滞留海外 《权游》和《伦敦生活》笑傲艾美奖
The top stories on ABC News.
ABC News2019-09-26
The Prime Minister Scott Morrison has joined US President Donald Trump in opening a paper mill in Ohio, owned by Australian billionaire box maker AnthABC新闻:特朗普宣布派兵沙特 伊朗威胁称将摧毁所有来袭者
Hello, Diara Marius with the top stories on ABC News.
ABC News2019-09-24
The Prime Minister says his talks with Donald Trump on Iran did not go beyond Australia's standing commitment to help maiABC新闻:沙特公布伊朗参与袭击证据 美联储降息25个基点
Saudi Arabia claims the attack on its oil industry was "unquestionably sponsored by Iran". Its defence ministry has shown off wreckage from weapons that it says prove Iran is respo
ABC News2019-09-23ABC新闻:美国公开沙特遇袭油田卫星图 特朗普称炮弹已上膛
New South Wales Premier Gladys Berejiklian is set to face a leadership spill motion this morning. The move is backed by three Liberal MPs furious over her handling of the legislati
ABC News2019-09-18ABC新闻:沙特石油设施遇袭产量减半 大众集团柴油排放丑闻在澳达成和解
The top stories on ABC News.
ABC News2019-09-17
An emergency warning is in place for the Drake fire near Tenterfield in New South Wales as firefighters struggle with worsening conditions in the statABC新闻:两名青少年被控纵火 澳大利亚公民遭伊朗拘留
Two teenagers have been charged with lighting the fire that threatened Queensland's Sunshine Coast. Police allege the 14 year old boy and 15 year old girl were in a group that
ABC News2019-09-16ABC新闻:澳森林大火继续肆虐 俄罗斯和乌克兰进行大规模囚犯交换
Hello, Joanna Nicholson with the top stories on ABC News.
ABC News2019-09-10
Cooler conditions have eased the bushfire threat in northern New South Wales and Queensland, but dozens of fires are stilABC新闻:英国首相在议会接连遇挫 无协议脱欧受阻
It's been another night of upheaval in British politics — with parliament voting to block a no deal Brexit, and the prime minister calling for a snap election. The House of Co
ABC News2019-09-06
栏目广告位二 |