栏目广告位一 |
Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg, will today unveil treasury analysis showing coronavirus lockdowns are costing the economy four billion dollars per week. With the country on track for i
ABC News2020-05-09ABC新闻:英国新冠死亡人数超意大利 报告称6月美国日增死亡3000人
The prime minister has shifted his government's focus to getting a million Australians back to work. The national cabinet is likely to announce an easing of some restrictions l
ABC News2020-05-07ABC新闻:国外暗网出售新冠康复者血浆 美国一季度经济下滑4.8%
Tasmania and the Northern Territory are expected to move to the next phase of their coronavirus responses today, in a growing sign Australia is on the road to recovery. Fewer than
ABC News2020-05-05ABC新闻:武汉在院新冠肺炎患者清零 新西兰宣布"战胜"疫情
The coronavirus pandemic has passed a grim milestone overnight, with more than three million cases confirmed around the world. Back home new infection rates are falling with severa
ABC News2020-05-05ABC新闻:澳部分地区放松防疫限制措施 美国新确诊病例创下单日最大增幅
Parts of Australia are waking up to eased social restrictions this morning, as state governments begin to react to the flattening of the curve. Western Australia is lifting the two
ABC News2020-04-30ABC新闻:爆发新冠疫情的"红宝石公主"号邮轮离开澳大利亚
A 41-year-old Porsche driver has been charged with multiple offences after allegedly fleeing the scene of a tragic crash that killed four police officers in Melbourne. Richard Puse
ABC News2020-04-28ABC新闻:墨尔本高速路惨烈车祸致4名警察死亡
A horrific crash on one of Melbourne's major freeways has killed four police officers, leaving the state in shock. The crash happened yesterday evening, when the police pulled
ABC News2020-04-26ABC新闻:美国成为全球新冠疫情震中 牛津大学将展开疫苗人体实验
In a growing sign of easing restrictions, Australia's most famous beach is set to re-open next week. From Tuesday, swimmers and surfers will be able to go into the water at Bon
ABC News2020-04-23ABC新闻:澳大利亚要求脸谱网和谷歌必须支付新闻费
Nearly 3-and-a-half million Australians could lose their jobs due to the coronavirus pandemic. The Grattan Institute says between 14 and 26 percent of the entire workforce may lose
ABC News2020-04-21ABC新闻:全球新冠肺炎确诊病例超200万 特朗普暂停资助世卫组织
The split between federal and state governments over school shutdowns will be the focus of today's national cabinet meeting, as governments try to find a coordinated approach.
ABC News2020-04-20ABC新闻:IMF预测全球经济将遭受一个世纪以来最严重衰退
The prime minister has issued a direct plea to teachers this morning, urging them to keep schools open. It comes as several states embark on a massive program of remote learning af
ABC News2020-04-16ABC新闻:英国首相约翰逊治愈出院 数百万基督徒网上庆祝复活节
More than 400 people have landed back in Melbourne overnight, onboard a charter flight from New Delhi. They'll now spend the next two weeks in quarantine in the city's hote
ABC News2020-04-14ABC新闻:澳单笔最大规模救助方案获通过 桑德斯退出美总统大选
The largest single economic bail-out package in Australia's history has passed federal parliament overnight, with the one hundred and 30-billion dollar Jobkeeper scheme now bec
ABC News2020-04-13ABC新闻:红衣主教佩尔被无罪释放 澳大利亚提出1300亿就业保障计划
The Vatican has welcomed the high court ruling which acquited cardinal George Pell, saying it always had faith in the Australian judiciary. The Holy See issued a statement overnigh
ABC News2020-04-09ABC新闻:英国首相约翰逊病情恶化转入ICU
British prime minister Boris Johnson is in intensive care in a London hospital this morning. Mr. Johnson was hospitalised yesterday for what was described at the time as "routine t
ABC News2020-04-08ABC新闻:全球新冠肺炎确诊病例接近100万例 美国单周申请失业救助人数超660万
A milestone in the coronavirus pandemic is being reached this morning, with the worldwide number of infections nearing one million people. More than 5,100 of those are in Australia
ABC News2020-04-08ABC新闻:美国新冠病毒死亡病例超过中国
Riot police will be out in force at Bondi today in an attempt to stamp down on social distancing measures. Authorities are urgently setting up a testing clinic at the beachside sub
ABC News2020-04-02ABC新闻:梵高画作在荷兰博物馆被盗 东京奥运会改期至2021年7月23日开幕
The federal government has thrown a financial lifeline to struggling Australians with a massive stimulus program to stop the economy from collapsing. The 130-billion dollar "Jobkee
ABC News2020-04-01ABC新闻:英国王储查尔斯王子确诊感染新冠病毒 联合国发起新冠肺炎全球响应计划
We kick off with some sad news. Australia has recorded its ninth coronavirus death overnight. A 69-year-old man from Toowoomba in Queensland died after becoming infected onboard a
ABC News2020-03-31ABC新闻:澳大利亚禁止公民出境旅游 世卫组织称美国或成全球疫情"震中"
The federal government has announced tough new measures overnight, aimed at stopping the spread of coronavirus. From midnigh tonight, there will be a ban on all foreign travel, and
ABC News2020-03-26ABC新闻:澳大利亚百亿经济刺激计划出炉 全球确诊新冠肺炎突破35万例
Federal parliament has passed the government's multi-billion dollar stimulus package, with the treasurer calling it the most significant support for the Australian economy sinc
ABC News2020-03-25ABC新闻:澳大利亚关闭国境 意大利冠状病毒死亡人数超过中国
Australians abroad are scrambling to return home, as authorities prepare to shut the country's borders, and airlines flag drastically reduced services. From nine pm, internatio
ABC News2020-03-24ABC新闻:欧盟拟禁止非必要的旅行者进入欧盟
Canada and now France have become the latest countries to close their borders, as the world deals with the growing spread of COVID-19. It follows more dramatic losses on financial
ABC News2020-03-19ABC新闻:澳大利亚出台新规 所有抵澳人员须自我隔离14天
Two more Australians have died from coronavirus, as tough border control measures to slow the spread of the disease have been enacted overnight. Under new rules which came into eff
ABC News2020-03-17ABC新闻:新冠疫情涉116个国家和地区 韦恩斯坦因性侵被判23年
The Australian Grand Prix hangs in the balance this morning, with major international news outlets reporting it will be postponed over fears of the spread of coronavirus. The McLar
ABC News2020-03-17
栏目广告位二 |