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为宣传医改方案 奥巴马巡回演讲


President Obama making a big pitch out west to boost support for health reform. ABC's Rachel Martin is in Big Sky, Montana this morning. Good morning, Rachel.

...at this morning about 50 miles away from Bozeman, that's where the President held his healthcare town hall meeting yesterday and while there was some tension, the event started out with hugs, handshakes, even some humor.

"Here in Montana you've got bears and, moose, and elk. In Washington you just have, mostly bull."

Words that moments later were thrown right back at the President, as he tried to set the record straight on his plans for health care reform.

"We keep getting the bull, that's all we get, is bull. You can't tell us how you're going to pay for it."

"You're absolutely right that I can't cover another 46 million people for free."

Obama has been ramping up his fight for reform as opposition has been mounting on both sides of the debate. The plan to provide end-of-life counseling is being dropped from a Senate version of the bill after conservatives like Sarah Palin said it would create so-called "death panels."

The topic came up between Senators Arlen Specter and Chuck Grassley yesterday in a kind of Twitter feud.

Specter writes: Called Senator Grassley to tell him to stop spreading myths about health care reform and imaginary "death panels." Chuck Grassley said: Specter got it all wrong that I never used words "death boards." Even liberal press never accused me of that. So change your last Tweet, Arlen.

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs this week said misinformation like this has put the administration on defense. "One of the reasons we push back is because of those misconceptions. Have some of those misconceptions contributed to the poll numbers? I don't doubt that."

A USA Today Gallup poll reported that 49% of Americans disapprove of Obama's handling of heath care policy, while 43% approve. For now the President is doing his best to separate fact from fiction with fighting words.

"Every time we're inside of health insurance reform, the special interest fight back with everything they've got. We can't let them do it again, not this time."

To that end the President is holding yet another health care town hall meeting. This one tonight in Grand Junction, Colorado, and the President is sneaking out for a little fun on this trip, Kate, he'll take a break from health care and take a tour of Yellowstone Park this afternoon with the first family.