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North Korea has signaled it's willing to return to six-party talks on its nuclear program, but only if it can first hold separate talks with the US. The move came during a visit to Pyongyang by the Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao.

North Koreans jumped for joy to mark 60 years of relations with China. Watching the anniversary celebration side by side, the North Korean leader Kim Jong-il and the visiting Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao. The reclusive Kim Jong-il made a rare public appearance to greet Mr. Wen on his arrival, underlining the importance of his visit. Officially, this was a goodwill visit. China, North Korea’s closest ally, pledged to stand by its communist neighbor. China is also the country with the most influence over the North Koreans. And it's keen to bring Pyongyang back to the negotiating table. There were hopes this visit would help restart stalled nuclear disarmament talks. North Korea withdrew from those talks in April after the United Nations condemned its long-range rocket launch. A second nuclear test in May fueled regional tensions and brought UN sanctions. But now the North Koreans have indicated they are ready to return to the six-party process hosted by Beijing.

"There's been a lot of talks going on behind the scenes, and nothing now that we are about to see the fruit of those talks which will be a new agreement on how to resolve the North Korean problem."

But the offer of new talks is conditional. The North Koreans first want progress in their bid for separate bilateral talks with the US. And reports from South Korea suggest North Korea is now in the final stages of restarting its Yongbyon nuclear facility that was disabled under an earlier disarmament deal.

"There's nothing surprising about the revelation from South Korean intelligence. It's precisely what North Korea said it would do. It's a reason it emphasizes the importance of negotiating a very early resolution to these matters and stopping the nuclear program."

The US has reaffirmed it's prepared to engage with North Korea in multilateral negotiations with the goal of completely ending its nuclear programs.

Vesna Nazor, World News Australia.