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Glossary [only for reference]

signal [transitive] to make something clear by what you say or do

six-party talks: a series of meetings aim to find a peaceful resolution to the security concerns as a result of the North Korean nuclear weapons program with six participating states: the People's Republic of China; the Republic of Korea (South Korea); the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea); the United States of America; the Russian Federation; and Japan.

jump for joy: to be extremely happy and pleased

reclusive: someone who is reclusive refers to the person who chooses to live alone, and does not like seeing or talking to other people

stand by somebody: to stay loyal to someone and support them, especially in a difficult situation

keen: wanting to do something or wanting something to happen very much

stalled: stopping making progress or developing

withdraw [intransitive and transitive]: to stop taking part in an activity, belonging to an organization etc, or to make someone do this

behind the scenes: secretly, while other things are happening publicly

the fruit(s) of something: the good results that you have from something, after you have worked very hard

bilateral: involving two groups or nations

intelligence [uncountable]: information about the secret activities of foreign governments, the military plans of an enemy etc

reaffirm [transitive]: to formally state an opinion, belief, or intention again, especially when someone has questioned you or expressed a doubt

multilateral: involving several different countries or groups