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US Vice President Joe Biden has urged Israelis and Palestinians to resume negotiations without delay in a bid to salvage Middle East peace talks. His words follow a continued American and Palestinian outrage over the announcement of 1600 new homes for Jewish settlers in East Jerusalem. The news has overshadowed Mr. Biden's tour of the region.

Looking the part, it was time for the US vice president to take to the skies. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak taking Joe Biden on an aerial tour above the Holy Land, this, a final photo opportunity at the end of Mr. Biden's visit to Israel, time enough for a final personal appeal from the VP. Joe Biden says the row over new houses in East Jerusalem shouldn't scuttle peace talks. He's urged Israelis and Palestinians back to the negotiating table.

"We can't delay because when progress is postponed, extremists exploit our differences, and they sow hate."

The vice president has scolded Israel for its decision to build 1600 new homes in disputed East Jerusalem. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu publicly apologized for the unfortunate timing of the announcement coinciding with Mr. Biden's visit. The US leader has welcomed that, but repeated condemnation of the plan.

"I realize this is a very touchy subject in Israel as well as in my own country. But because that decision, in my view, undermined the trust required for productive negotiations. I, at the request of President Obama, condemned it immediately and unequivocally."

Palestinian leaders want a complete freeze on all construction of settlement homes in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. They threaten to boycott peace talks unless Israel reverses its decision.

"This is a decision as not only an obstacle to peace; this is an attempt to undermine the American efforts to revive the peace process."

Israel has refused to scrap the plan and blamed the Palestinian leadership for stalling the resumption of talks.

"And I'd ask the Palestinians, I'd ask the Arab World, How do they expect to advance peace if they're avoiding talking to Israel?"

As Mr. Biden wrapped up his visit, Palestinian militants fired a rocket from the Gaza Strip. It landed in a disused warehouse in southern Israel. No one was injured in the attack.

Leroy Ah Ben, World News Australia.

Glossary [only for reference]

 in a bid to do something: to make an attempt to achieve or obtain something

salvage [transitive]: to make sure that you do not lose something completely, or to make sure that something does not fail completely

continued [only before noun]: continuing to happen or exist for a long time, or happening many times

outrage [uncountable]: a feeling of great anger and shock:

overshadow [transitive]: to make an occasion or period of time less enjoyable by making people feel sad or worried

aerial [only before noun]: from a plane

Holy Land: generally refers to the geographical region of the Levant called Land of Canaan or Land of Israel in the Bible, and constitutes the Promised land.

photograph opportunity: originally referred to an opportunity to take a memorable and effective photograph of a politician, a celebrity, or a notable event.

personal appeal: a personal attractiveness or interestingness that enables you to influence others

exploit [transitive]: to use something fully and effectively

sow [transitive]: to do something that will cause a bad situation in the future

scold [transitive]: to angrily criticize someone, especially a child, about something they have done

timing: the time when someone does something or when something happens, especially when you are considering how suitable this is

coincide with: to happen at the same time as something else, especially by chance

touchy subject: a subject etc that needs to be dealt with very carefully, especially because it may offend people

unequivocal: formal, completely clear and without any possibility of doubt

freeze [countable]: the stopping of some activity or process

reverse [transitive]: to change something, such as a decision, judgment, or process so that it is the opposite of what it was before

scrap [transitive]: to decide not to use a plan or system because it is not practical

wrap sth up: informal, to finish a job, meeting etc