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What are the 5 things that you think are the things they least want from you, like...?

Class is in session, but instead of subjects like math and science, these students are learning how to get a job in the recession, part of Tomorrow's People, a privately funded program to help kids find work.

Also communicate with others if you do get the job…

20-year-old Sadrian Stewart first started looking for a job in the middle of the downturn. He managed to find work as a retail sales assistant, but was soon let go, he has had no luck finding anything since.

How does that make you feel?

Em…Frustrated, it's kind of frustrating coz it makes me think that…well… maybe they're just not taking the time to actually go through it, and they just look at the applications, look at first few words or something and then just… put it down.

But you’re still applying.

Yeah, of course, I mean doesn't stop trying, cozif it doesn’t make any sense, you’re not gonna gain anyway if you just stop.

Sadrian's persistence is perhaps the exception to the rule. Research shows many kids grow frustrated and drop out of the workforce, triggering a downward spiral.

To every young person then, who ends up unemployed, has a diminishing chance of entering the world of work. Those young people then get older, maybe they get into trouble, or they are on welfare benefits, all of that costs the nation quite a lot of money, and then the really tragic thing is they get married(听着是marriage,但应该是married吧), they have children, their children are born into workless households, and then the cycle starts all over again.

Strong government programs that guide the young into the workforce are part of the solution to the growing problem of youth unemployment. Critics say that it is a solution that Britain's government needs to do more to support. For now Sadrian sees a potential job in retail as a stepping stone to a career in photography and graphic design.

I don’t see myself in the future just stuck in a dead-end job in retail, so I think coz I see as a future goal, that’s what makes me believe that it will happen, sort kind of thing, so, you know.

So you'll make it, this is going to be a reality for you,

Yeah, I'll see to it that happens. I'll see to it.

Erin McLaughlin, cnn London.