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担忧欧美各种问题 全球股市下跌



1. The inability of political leaders on both continents to deal with the crisis is adding to the volatility.

deal with应付, 处理; 对待
例句:He must deal with many difficulties.
add to增加, 加强
例句:This lesson adds to the value of the book.

2. Renewed worries about the health of the global economy produced another roller coaster ride Friday in financial markets.

worry about担忧, 烦恼
例句:He worried about how to make his living.

3. Asian shares took a beating.

take a beating被损坏;受伤;损失好多钱;损失严重
例句:I hope he doesn't take a beating. 

4. At the moment markets, when they don't see the potential for growth, they look back on themselves and when fear and the lack of understanding comes and where the politicians are going - you put all of that together - markets just run away and that's basically what we are seeing.

look back on回顾;回头看
例句:I still shudder when I look back on the past.
run away (使)流走〔掉〕
例句:The water ran away through this pipe.

5. Wall Street added to its losses this week, following warnings from investment bank Morgan Stanley that the United States and the 17 nations that use the euro may be on the brink of a recession.

on the brink of在…边缘
例句:The stock market was on the brink of collapse. 

6. "With an economy operating around stall speed, you can figure anywhere between one percent and two percent, any hiccup, any shock is enough to put it into recession, so that the risk is that if things go awry in Europe, it will eventually feed through into the U.S.," he said.

put into使处于某种状态
例句:The regulations have been put into practice on a trial basis.
go awry出错,失败
例句:Children are easy to go awry without parental control 

7. He blames eroding business and public confidence on the recent political drama in Washington over the U.S. debt - and the ineffective response this week by EU leaders on a debt crisis that now threatens Italy and Spain.

blame on把责任推给…
例句:They blamed the failure on John.