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On a recent sunny afternoon, first lady Michelle Obama hosted the U.S. Women's National Soccer Team and a group of local children who got to spend some time playing soccer on the White House lawn.

Early last year, First Lady Michelle Obama launched an ambitious national campaign called "Let's Move."  It is aimed at solving the problem of childhood obesity in only one generation.

"One of my biggest initiatives is making sure that kids like you all across this country are getting the exercise you need, and that you are eating the proper foods, and you are understanding how that's going to help you in so many different ways," said Obama.

The "Let's Move" campaign involves many sectors and partnerships, but one of the lighter programs involves sporting events held on the south lawn of the White House.  For this one, six players from the U.S. Women's National Soccer Team showed the youngsters some drills on the grass.  It was a special privilege and a thrill for the budding players.

Exercise is close to the first lady's heart, and on this day she was not afraid to show it.  She ran around with the kids and encouraged them in the various drills.

"You don't have to be a superstar athlete to enjoy sports and to move, but getting involved in something like this can help you in so many different ways," added Obama.  "There is a direct connection between how healthy you are, the kind of food you put in your body, and how your mind operates."

In the past three decades, childhood obesity has tripled in the United States.  Today, nearly one in three children in America is overweight or obese.  The first lady would like to make a difference in that situation before her husband leaves office.