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1. The port city of Baltimore, Maryland, also known by its nickname “Charm City,” is one of the cities where U.S. federal immigration authorities are trying out new ways in dealing with a large caseload of deportation orders.

try out试用; 试验
例句:Scientists tried out thousands of chemicals before they found the right one.
deal with应付, 处理; 对待
例句:There are many difficulties to be dealt with when starting a new business.
开展一项新业务时, 有许多困难需要解决。

2. He recently wrote a newspaper opinion piece saying Baltimore was being turned into what he calls an “amnesty city.”

turn into (使)变成
例句:The old building was turned into a library.

3. McDonough says consequences include added costs to provide bilingual services, added pressures on emergency rooms to deal with uninsured illegal immigrants, higher unemployment among legal residents, and threats to public safety.

add to增加, 加强
例句:The office looked exactly the same as before, only some charts were added to the wall.
办公室里还是那个老样子, 只是墙上多了一些图表。

4. In an email statement, it said the U.S. government is trying to focus immigration enforcement resources on those convicted of crimes, recent border crossers and what it called egregious immigration law violators.

focus on对(某事或做某事)予以注意; 集中于
例句:We're going to focus on the relationship between freedom and necessity.
convict of宣判(某人)犯有(某罪)
例句:The criminal was convicted of murder.

5. But the federal government is pushing back on that front as well, using challenges in the court system and saying it has exclusive authority to regulate immigration.

push back使撤退, 使回到原处
例句:She kept pushing back wisps of hair that fell over her eyes.

6. In some states like Alabama, civil rights leaders recently marched for families to be kept together, as in recent months, detained or deported illegal immigrant parents were separated from their U.S.-born citizen children.

separate from分开
例句:No child should ever be separated from his mother by force.

7. Activists in other cities, like Iowa City, are going even further, seeking to make the college town Iowa’s first so-called sanctuary city to protect illegal immigrants from federal immigration law.

seek to企图,试图; 设法
例句:I sought to change her mind.
protect from保护, 保卫
例句:An umbrella will protect you from the rain.

8. More than 30 cities in the United States have gone this route, with some even banning officials from asking people about their immigration status.

ban from禁止
例句:They were banned from attending.