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1. The US has launched anti-dumping investigations against Chinese solar panel manufacturers, after seven US solar energy companies asked the US Commerce Department to impose duties of more than 100 percent on their Chinese competitors

impose on 把…加于
例句:The government imposed a heavy tax on luxury goods.

2. And more recently, Chinese solar panel manufacturer Canadian Solar received a letter from the United States International Trade Commission, saying Westinghouse Solar, a US solar equipment maker, had complained to ITC that Canadian Solar had infringed on its patents, and demanded a permanent order barring some of their products from entering the US market.

bar from禁止
例句:The members voted to bar women from the club.

3. A spokeswoman Xing Tianying from Canadian Solar referred to Westinghouse Solar's patent infringement accusations as "groundless."

refer to提到
例句:Don't refer to this matter again, please.

4. It's like they have patent for a button, and they are accusing us of infringement for producing the fabric with a button hole in it.

accuse of指责, 控告
例句:We accused him of taking bribes.

5. I will not stand by when our competitors don't play by the rules.

stand by站在旁边; 袖手旁观
例句:There were several people standing by when the accident happened.

6. But we need to do more, tonight we are announcing the creation of a trade enforcement unit that would be charged with investigating unfair trading practices in countries like China."

charge with指控…犯有罪
例句:He was falsely charged with robbery.

7. On the other hand, China also complains about restrictions on US exports of high-tech products to China and hurdles to Chinese investment in the US.

complain about抱怨, 投诉
例句:He never complained about working overtime.

8. At the beginning of this century, the high-tech imports from the United States accounted for more than 16 percent of China's import of high-tech (products), but last year, the high tech imports from the US accounted for only 6 percent of the China's high-tech imports total.

account for占有,占...百分比
例句:APEC members account for more than half of the world's economic output.

9. Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Weimin, urges both countries to put effort into increasing China-US economic and trade cooperation.

put effort into对某事付出很大力气
例句:He put a lot of effort into arranging the concert.

10. A Morgan Stanley report shows that 4 to 8 million jobs in the US are closely tied to Sino-US trade, at the same time, the US is the biggest source of China's foreign investment.

tie to使被…束缚; 使被困于…
例句:The weather tied him to the house.
天气将他困在家里, 不能出去。