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1. The demonstrators accuse Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir of provoking a humanitarian crisis by blocking food and aid deliveries to people in the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile regions.

accuse of指责, 控告
例句:We accused him of taking bribes.

2. "Immediately, we need humanitarian aid to be allowed into the Sudan before it becomes the worst humanitarian crisis in the world, immediately," said Clooney.

allow into允许进入
例句:Alcoholic drinks are not allowed into certain countries.

3. The conflict severely hinders agriculture in the region, leading to fears of famine for hundreds of thousands of people.

lead to导致, 引起
例句:An ordinary cold can soon lead to a fever.

4. Police arrested Clooney, his father, Nick, several members of the U.S. Congress and religious and civil rights leaders after warning them several times not to cross a police line in front of the embassy.

in front of在…前面
例句:My view of the stage was blocked by the big hat of the woman sitting in front of me.
我的视线被坐在前排妇女的大帽子遮住了, 看不见舞台。