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The report entitled "Emerging Best Practices of Chinese Globalizers: The Corporate Global Citizenship Challenge" gives examples of how Chinese globalizers are aligning their profits with real and lasting contributions to the local communities in which they operate.

Robert Greenhill, Managing Director and Chief Business Officer of the World Economic Forum, says as Chinese companies globalize, their engagement as global corporate citizens becomes more important.

"Western companies, as they internatinoalized, made a number of mistakes, and they found often that it was more difficult to rebuild a reputation that had been damaged than it was to develop a good reputation at the beginning. So, the report aims to look at these best practices and hopes these best practices become standard in the future. "

Chinese Enterprises Becoming More Responsible Global Corporate Citizens

According to the report, in 2010 alone, Chinese multinationals employed around 1 million people, 71 percent of whom were local citizens. During the 2006-2010 period, employment opportunities provided to local citizens by Chinese multinationals grew at an annual rate of 28 percent.

The reports notes that after more than 10 years of corporate citizenship development and involvement in the global context, many Chinese companies have implemented good citizenship practices as part of their overseas engagement, ranging from daily operations to listings on foreign stock exchanges.

Shenzhen-based Huawei Technologies, a leading information and communication solution provider in China, is one of the 10 selected companies showcased in the report as good practitioners of realizing global corporate citizenship.

Hu Houkun, Deputy Chairman of Huawei Technologies, gives an example of how his company partnered with local housewives to introduce mobile phone calling services in the rainforests of Bangladesh.

"Local women gained employment opportunities by collecting mobile usage fees at home and earned incomes that were three times the local average. Mobile coverage in Bangladesh has also increased by more than 50 percent. At the same time, Huawei also successfully penetrated a difficult emerging market and was profitable."

The report says success in these areas will trigger a range of benefits for Chinese globalizers, such as better engagement with global communities and improvements in overseas investments and business operations. That will help fulfill the Chinese government's "going global" strategy and putting the ultimate goal of sustainable development within reach.

For CRI, this is Yao Yongmei.