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受风灾城市恢复中 奥巴马重回选战


Millions of people in both New York and New Jersey still find themselves in the dark following Hurricane Sandy.

Subway service in New York remains very limited, as much of the system is still under water.

All 3 airports in New York have reopened, and bus lines are operating again across certain areas of Manhattan.

Sandy has taken its toll on New Jersey's Seaside Heights communities.

"Everything is destroyed, all of Fun Time Pier, nothing is left of it. All is left is my little stand, I thought that was going to be the first thing gone, its just a little kiosk, but everything else is gone, all the rides are torn down, everything."

More than 70 deaths are being blamed on Sandy.

Meantime, President Barack Obama is set to resume campaigning on Thursday in Nevada, Colorado and Wisconsin.

Obama has visited areas of New Jersey hit hardest by the storm.

"One of our challenges now is to get back to normalcy. And so the things we need to do is to make sure that we get power restored as quickly as possible; make sure that people have clean drinking water, and waste water treatment plants are working; hospitals are taken care of the way they need to; and that we get kids back to school."

The latest polls are suggesting 8 out of 10 voters are giving Obama a good rating for his handling of the emergency.

Meanwhile, Republican challenger Mitt Romney has begun campaigning again in Florida, after halting his campaign earlier this week in the wake of Sandy.