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More than 350 cyber security leaders from over 40 countries gather at the World Cyberspace Cooperation Summit, a global security noNPRofit organization.

Cai Mingzhao, Director of China's State Council Information Office, made a keynote speech at the summit.

Cai says China is facing severe cybersecutiry challenges like other countries.

"From January to August, more than 20-thousand Chinese websites were tampered with by hackers and more than eight million computer hosts were controlled by Trojans or botnets, a 14 percent increase from 2012. It has caused severe damage to China's economic development and people's normal life."

Cai Mingliang also highlights positive results in Sino-US cooperation in cyber security.

"China and the United States have set up a cyber security working group within the framework of the strategic security dialogue. The two countries should make full use of the mechanism to carry out in-depth dialogue and consultation, clear up doubts, control differences and expand cooperation."

The official calls for wider cooperation in tackling cyber security issues.

He also notes that all countries should respect national sovereignty over cyberspace, strengthen legal construction and enhance global cooperation so as to maintain cyber security.

For CRI, I'm Yu Yang.