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Chinese Foreign minister Wang Yi met with the U.S. Secretary of State and discussed various global issues including the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue, the South China Sea situation, among others.

He said China is committed to the denuclearization of the peninsula.

Wang Yi emphasized sanctions are not an end in themselves and it is vital to restart negotiations.

"North Korea's nuclear test violated the UN Security Council's resolution. China has expressed its opposition to the act. China agrees the United Nations Security Council should pass a new resolution on North Korea following its nuclear test earlier this month. The new resolution should aim to bring the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue back to the negotiating table, rather than stirring up tension or causing chaos on the peninsula."

The two sides also talked about issues concerning Taiwan, which the Foreign Minister said is the core issue of China-U.S. relations.


Wang Yi stresses that the U.S. should abide by the one-China policy.

"No matter what changes occur in Taiwan, the basic fact that both the mainland and Taiwan belong to one China is unchanged and will not change. The U.S. should abide by the one-China policy, stick to the 1992 Consensus opposing Taiwan independence, and should support the peaceful development of cross-Strait ties.

Kerry echoed Wang's comment and said that the U.S. will continue its one-China policy and encourage cross-Straits dialogue.

"Let me just say with respect to one of the issues that the foreign minister raised on Taiwan that since they've just had an election and the new party has won, the United States does reaffirm the three communiques which have been the basis of our policy. We remain committed to the One China policy."

On the South China Sea situation, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi urged the United States to be objective, fair, and reasonable in the way it deals with the issue.

Wang said the South China Sea has been Chinese territory since ancient times, and the country has the right to safeguard its own territorial sovereignty and legitimate maritime rights and interests.

He also said China has made a commitment not to militarize the South China Sea, and that statement means exactly what it says.

"In addition to a lot of civilian facilities and public services on our guarded reefs, we also have some necessary facilities for self-defense, which is a legal right of self-protection and self-defense empowered to a sovereign country by international law."

Commenting on China-US relations, John Kerry Kerry stresses the common interests shared by the two sides.

There have been a significant number of places where China and the United States have been able to make differences. An I think it's a simple fact of diplomatic and international life when China and the US are able to cooperate we are better able to work towards a shared goal. And we accomplish more for every body."

Kerry added that the United States is willing to strengthen cooperation with China in economy, trade, military, people-to-people exchanges, the fight against corruption, and other areas.

For CRI, I'm Guo Yan.