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Russian President Vladimir Putin’s daughter has split from her husband, Kirill Shamalov, Bloomberg reported, citing four anonymous sources.

据彭博社报道,俄罗斯总统普京的女儿与丈夫Kirill Shamalov离婚。

The news agency said on January 25 that Shamalov is back working as a senior executive at Russian petrochemical giant Sibur to Leonid Mikhelson, one of Sibur’s main owners, after he sold a stake in the company acquired just before the marriage to Putin’s youngest daughter, Katerina Tikhonova.

新闻机构1月25日表示,Shamalov 重新赢回俄罗斯石油化工巨头西伯的高管席位,到西伯到的列奥尼德米赫森的主要股东之一,他卖掉了该公司的部分股权,这笔钱是在他与普京最小的女儿Katerina Tikhonova结婚前购得的。

Though the details of the deal and the reasoning behind it were never disclosed, a person familiar with the transaction said Shamalov made “zero” money from the sale because he was only allowed to hold those shares in a kind of trust as a Putin family member.


That ownership privilege ended when the marriage did, Bloomberg reported, citing three of the sources.


Bloomberg said a person close to Shamalov denied any connection between the Sibur transactions and his marriage, adding that Shamalov declined to comment through a representative.


The Kremlin closely guards the privacy of Putin’s family and Bloomberg said that even off the record, none of the people contacted for the story would say whether Tikhonova, 31, has formally divorced Shamalov or when, exactly, she got married.
