栏目广告位一 |
Scientists studying Alzheimer’s have found that staying moderately active can lead to healthier brain functions in those at risk of developing the disease, potentially giving us a
英语听力材料2017-12-20 -
Dr. Alan Schlechter, author of "U Thrive: How to Succeed in College (And Life)," is also the professor of the most popular elective class at New York University called "The Scie
英语听力材料2017-12-20 -
Nobu Matsuhisa, owner of Nobu Restaurants and Hotels and author of "Nobu: A Memoir," shares how to eat sushi the traditional Japanese way. Following is a transcript of the video;
英语听力材料2017-12-20 -
厉害了易烊千玺!竟成adidas neo首位全球青年创意官?!
Inviting the most popular celebrities nowadays to endorse the brand is a common sight. adidas neo has officially announced Jackson Yi to be their new celebrity endorsement. This co
英语听力材料2017-12-20 -
Lighting a scented candle at the end of a long day helps many of us unwind.在漫长的一天结束时,点燃一支香薰蜡烛能帮助许多人放松。But that flickering flame might not seem quite so r
英语听力材料2017-12-20 -
香港学生毕业典礼上不尊重国歌 被校方轰出现场:你们选错了学校
Two students from Hong Kong College of Technology (HKCT) were kicked out of their graduation ceremony on Saturday for disrespecting the national anthem, according to Hong Kong-base
英语听力材料2017-12-20 -
This is really a two-hour presentation I give to high school students, cut down to three minutes. And it all started one day on a plane, on my way to TED, seven years ago. And in t
英语听力材料2017-12-20 -
In May 2017, researchers at Google Brain announced the creation of AutoML, an artificial intelligence (AI) that’s capable of generating its own AIs. More recently, they decided to
英语听力材料2017-12-20 -
(CNN) — Two Austrian political parties formed a government coalition with a far-right presence.CNN电 奥地利两个政党组成了一个极右翼联合政府。The conservative Austria’s People’s
英语听力材料2017-12-20 -
China Railway is launching a frequent traveler plan on Wednesday.从周三开始,中国铁路部门将推出“铁路畅行”常旅客服务。Passengers over 12 with legal identity documents can log on t
英语听力材料2017-12-20 -
腾讯京东入股唯品会 最大的赢家是谁?
China’s tech giants Tencent Holdings Ltd and JD.com Inc will jointly invest $863 million in cash in Vipshop, the country’s discount online retailer, according to a statement on t
英语听力材料2017-12-20 -
China’s central bank has followed the US Federal Reserve by raising interest rates, in a move that has surprised economists.中国央行紧跟美联储(FED)加息的脚步,此举让经济学家感到
英语听力材料2017-12-19 运动生理学家:减肥最好的日程表
The perfect exercise routine involves the right mix of cardiovascular and strength training. Heather Milton, a senior exercise physiologist at NYU Langone Health, discusses how to
MONROE, La. — A Louisiana man is facing one charge of animal cruelty after he reportedly maimed his friend’s dog, Bitty Boo.美国路易斯安那州西门罗报道,一名男子受到指控称其严重虐
英语听力材料2017-12-19 -
The Federal Reserve lifted short-term interest rates for a third time this year and predicted more increases to follow in the new year as Janet Yellen prepares to hand over the cha
英语听力材料2017-12-19 -
怎样才能更有吸引力 掌握这条法则
If you want to be more attractive, make a decision to live in a beautiful state. To say, "I’m not going to give up my happiness over little stuff. I’m not going to be obsessed a
英语听力材料2017-12-19 -
《星球大战8:最后的绝地武士》周末首映 斩获4.5亿美元
The latest Star Wars film generated more than $450m in global ticket sales on its opening weekend.最新的一部星球大战电影首映后的第一个周末,在全球市场斩获了近4.5亿美元的票房。The t
英语听力材料2017-12-19 涨知识!12种美丽鲜花的英文名及起源
Here are the origins behind the names of 12 of the loveliest flowers.以下是12种美丽鲜花名字的起源。1. ANEMONE1.银莲花The anemone is also known as the windflower. Indeed, the word a
If you’ve spent any time hitting up the giant wholesalers or other markets this holiday season, you’ve probably figured out that you can make a full meal out of the tasty little
英语听力材料2017-12-18 -
1. Remarkable people give up playing it safe.1. 杰出人士行事不走安乐之道。No one has ever achieved greatness by playing it safe. And ironically, in this very rapidly changing world
英语听力材料2017-12-18 -
Hospitals can be extremely noisy places.医院是非常嘈杂的地方。In fact, quietness is one of the lowest-rated categories on national surveys of hospital quality. And: "We know the s
英语听力材料2017-12-18 -
Let’s face it, the majority of people who are single are not single because they honestly and truly choose to be that way. Yes, there are people out there who are single and love
英语听力材料2017-12-18 -
In the past 18 years, every day we made mistakes, every day we were rejected. I think be rejected, be refused by people, that is very natural. Why people should help you? You have
英语听力材料2017-12-18 -
Excess and loosely secured weapons and munitions worldwide pose a security risk and humanitarian threat through illicit diversion to terrorists, insurgents, and other destabilizing
英语听力材料2017-12-18 -
We all find the rhythm.我们终将会找到属于自己的节奏。We all remember our first days of high-school, college, our first job.这些场景都历历在目吧:高中第一天,大学第一天,上班第一天。
栏目广告位二 |