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大学英语自学教程 下册 un10


[11:29.45]Americans have learned much about the way in which the system can be managed
[11:35.01]so as to make possible the peaceful trans fer of powerfrom one party to the other.
[11:41.26]At the level of presidential elections,
[11:45.23]the party in power has been overturned by the party out of power nineteen times,
[11:51.47]almost once a decade.
[11:54.63]In the election of 1860,the political system broke down and the Civil War,
[12:01.79]the worst disaster American history,resulted.
[12:06.26]Our history justifies our confidence in the system
[12:10.70]but also shows that it is not foolproof.
[12:14.96]The second major party is able to survive a defeat
[12:19.50]because the statistical tendency that exaggerates the victory of the winning party
[12:22.47]  第二大党能在失败下继续生存,因为夸大获胜党的统计
[12:25.43]operates even more strongly in favor of the second party
[12:30.39]against the third,fourth,and fifth parties,
[12:35.04]As a result,
[12:37.81]the defeated major party is able to maintaina monopoly of the opposition.
[12:43.66]The advantage of the second party over the third is so great,
[12:48.65]that it is the only party that is likely to be able to overturn the party in power.
[12:55.11]It is able,therefore,
[12:58.66]to attract the support of everyone seriously opposed to the party in power.
[13:04.43]The second party is important
[13:08.27]as long as it can monopolize the movement to overthrow the party in power,
[13:14.23]because it is certain to come into power sooner or later.
[13:19.69]Another consequence of the two-party system
[13:24.83]is that where as minor parties are likely to identify themselves
[13:30.19]with special interests or special programs and thus take extreme positions
[13:36.74]the major parties are so large that they tend to be moderate.
[13:42.02]Evidence of the moderation of the major parties
[13:46.28]is that much business is conducted across party Lines.
[13:51.24]What happens when the Democrats control one house of Congress
[13:56.10]and the Republicans control the other?
[13:59.86]About the same volume of legislation is passed
[14:04.43]as when one party controls both houses,
[14:08.80]although some important legislation is likely to be blocked temporarily
[14:14.86]It is possible to carry on the work of the government
[14:19.22]even when party control is divided
[14:22.98]because party differences are not fundamental.