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News Plus慢速英语听力
News Plus慢速英语:湖南津市悬赏万元破译古金币铭文 亚马逊发布中国浪漫城市排行
You are listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Liu Yan in Beijing.
News Plus慢速英语听力2016-03-03
Central China's Hunan Province is offering a reward to anyone who can decode the inscription on the back -
News Plus慢速英语:春节七天全国电影总票房超30亿 北京今年计划投入165亿治理大气污染
This is NEWS Plus Special English.
News Plus慢速英语听力2016-03-01
China's box office totaled 3 billion yuan, roughly 460 million U.S. dollars, during the Spring Festival holiday week, the highest compared with News Plus慢速英语:中国春节期间烟花燃放量减少 大熊猫双胞胎取名奥林匹亚和福娃
Now the news continues.
News Plus慢速英语听力2016-03-01
Fewer fireworks were used across China in the Lunar New Year, as it was banned in many places over air pollution concerns.
Two thirds of people polled in-
News Plus慢速英语:中国科学家培育自闭症猴探索自闭症疗法 贵州为巨型望远镜撤离居民
You are listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Liu Yan in Beijing.
News Plus慢速英语听力2016-02-26
Chinese researchers have successfully created autistic monkeys by implanting autism-related genes into mon -
News Plus慢速英语:中国启动国家重点研发计划 研发计量神器护航重大航天工程
This is NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Liu Yan in Beijing. Here is the news.
News Plus慢速英语听力2016-02-26
China has begun a national key research and development plan to streamline numerous state-funded scie News Plus慢速英语:预测称赴港游客2020年将跌至27% 春节期间内地游客赴台人数增多
This is NEWS Plus Special English.
News Plus慢速英语听力2016-02-24
Hong Kong's share of tourists from the Chinese mainland is predicted to drop to 27 percent by 2020, down from a peak of 42 percent in 2012.
News Plus慢速英语:中国高铁运营里程1.9万公里世界第一 中国科学家揭示家犬起源地
Now the news continues.
News Plus慢速英语听力2016-02-24
China's high-speed trains were operating on tracks totaling 19,000 kilometers last year, accounting for 60 percent of the world's total. And China became -
News Plus慢速英语:北京拥堵人均年损失近8000元 环保部发布去年12月74城空气质量状况
You're listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing.
News Plus慢速英语听力2016-02-23
Beijing residents lost as much as 8,000 yuan on average to traffic jams last year, the highest in t -
News Plus慢速英语:国务院指示全面实行居住证制度 卫计委要求加强尘肺病防治
You're listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing.
News Plus慢速英语听力2016-02-23
Restrictions on who can apply for permanent residency in cities are to be relaxed for selected work -
News Plus慢速英语:中国民间创立未来科学大奖 天津滨海新区严控危化企业
This is NEWS Plus Special English.
News Plus慢速英语听力2016-02-18
A new science award with a million-dollar prize has been announced to honor China's top scientists, with a view to creating China's own versio News Plus慢速英语:悟空卫星上太空寻找暗物质 长征五号和长征七号火箭今年将首飞
This is NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing. Here is the news.
News Plus慢速英语听力2016-02-18
Scientists have begun calibrating China's first dark matter probe in order to produce more ac-
News Plus慢速英语:活佛查询系统上线 在京外国留学生将能兼职创业
This is NEWS Plus Special English.
News Plus慢速英语听力2016-02-16
China has created an online database of legitimate Living Buddhas to help followers of Tibetan Buddhism distinguish between the real ones and th -
News Plus慢速英语:女婴出生仅两天捐肾救人 54岁农民工当选全国总工会副主席
Now the news continues.
News Plus慢速英语听力2016-02-16
The kidneys of a two-day-old baby have been successfully transplanted into a girl dying of chronic renal failure, making the infant the youngest organ dono News Plus慢速英语:西北政法大学反恐法学院成立 中国无人机南极长城站成功首飞
You're listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Liu Yan in Beijing.
News Plus慢速英语听力2016-02-05
China's first educational institute focusing on counterterrorism law has been founded at a university in-
News Plus慢速英语:国务院发文全面治理拖欠农民工工资问题 我国居民健康水平处于中高收入国家平均水平
This is NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Liu Yan in Beijing. Here is the news.
News Plus慢速英语听力2016-02-05
Every year before the Spring Festival there are a flood of reports of migrant workers not being paid -
News Plus慢速英语:上海迪士尼乐园6月16日开幕 电影《我的战争》再次抗美援朝
This is NEWS Plus Special English.
News Plus慢速英语听力2016-02-03
The European Investment Bank has given northeast China's Harbin City 50 million euros in low-interest loans to renovate residential buildings a -
News Plus慢速英语:孕妇死亡引发中科院与北医三院大战 沪警方破获特大网上非法销售烟花爆竹案
Now the news continues.
News Plus慢速英语听力2016-02-01
A dispute has erupted between two of China's powerful medical and scientific organizations after the sudden death of a pregnant employee at one of the gro -
News Plus慢速英语:嫦娥四号有望2018年访月球背面 潜龙二号成功完成大洋首潜
You're listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing.
News Plus慢速英语听力2016-01-29
China has begun a new round of lunar exploration and will send the "Chang'e-4" probe to the far si News Plus慢速英语:贵州两级政府因1.8亿留守儿童资金去向未知被起诉
You're listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing.
News Plus慢速英语听力2016-01-29
A journalist has sued the Bijie city government and Guizhou provincial government for having failedNews Plus慢速英语:调查称中国人对世界未来最乐观 实验动物管理条例进行修订
This is NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Mark Griffiths in Beijing. Here is the news.
News Plus慢速英语听力2016-01-27
A recent survey has found that Chinese people are almost twice as optimistic about the world a-
News Plus慢速英语:香港赛马会助晚期患者走完人生 北京今年将清退2500家污染企业
You're listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Liu Yan in Beijing.
News Plus慢速英语听力2016-01-25
The Hong Kong Jockey Club has announced that it has launched a project to enable the elderly and terminall -
News Plus慢速英语:河南农妇李桂英追凶17年 预计2017年中国将成成全球最大电影市场
Now the news continues.
News Plus慢速英语听力2016-01-22
A long nightmare is finally over for a 59-year-old woman who spent the past 17 years hunting down the villagers who killed her husband during a surprise at -
News Plus慢速英语:多地明确延长产假30天到60天 蒋洁敏妻子的敛财路线曝光
You're listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Liu Yan in Beijing.
News Plus慢速英语听力2016-01-22
Mothers in Beijing, Shanghai and Shandong Province are expected to have more days off work after giving bi News Plus慢速英语:中美直航猛增 北京城六区2020年实现无煤化
You're listening to NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Liu Yan in Beijing.
News Plus慢速英语听力2016-01-20
The skies between China and the United States are getting busier.
Last year, 75 weekly nonstop flights weNews Plus慢速英语:军委机关由四总部改为15个职能部门 快播涉黄案开庭
This is NEWS Plus Special English. I'm Liu Yan in Beijing. Here is the news.
News Plus慢速英语听力2016-01-20
China has reshuffled its top armed forces agency, the Central Military Commission, as President Xi Ji
栏目广告位二 |