
牛津书虫系列《大卫科波菲尔》Chapter3 附中英双语文本


‘May I ask what you will do, madam, when Mr Micawber is free?’I asked politely.
‘My family,’ said Mrs Micawber grandly, ‘believe that Mr Micawber should move to the country, to Devon, and carry on his business interests there. Mr Micawber is a very clever man, Master Copperfield.’
‘I'm sure he is,’ I agreed.
‘Although they haven't found anything exactly right for him yet,my family think he should be ready, in Devon, in case something turns up.’She put down her empty glass.
‘And will you be going with him, madam?’ I asked.
‘I must!I will!’Mrs Micawber's voice rose to a scream.‘He is my life! My love!My husband! The father of my children! I will never desert Mr Micawber! You can't ask me to desert him!’
I felt very uncomfortable,as I had not asked her to desert him at all, but she soon became calm again and finished her supper.I was becoming used to the Micawbers’ changes of mood.
I now realized that when the Micawbers left London, as they were planning to do, I would be very lonely in the city. I still hated my work in the warehouse, and wanted to make a better life for myself.I thought about it for a long time, and decided there was only one thing I could do. I would try to find my one surviving relation,my father's aunt, Miss Betsey Trotwood, and ask her to help me. I knew she lived somewhere near Dover,in Kent.I could go there by coach, be-cause Peggotty had once sent me ten shillings to keep,in case I ever needed it.The time had come to use that money.