That is what he must now prove if the Greens are to be more than a one-term wonder. Voters rewarded them for their stance on nuclear power. But on issues that usually matter more, like jobs, economic policy and education, they rate the Greens below the CDU and even the SPD.
Mr Kretschmann cannot do much on nuclear power, because it is a federal domain.Two of Baden-Wurttemberg’s four nuclear reactors were turned off after the Japanese disaster, which is both a curse and a blessing for the new government. Mr Mappus recently paid 5 billion ($7 billion) for a 45% stake in their operator. The Greens’ contribution is a planned “energy transformation”, to be achieved partly by speeding up approvals for wind turbines. The state CDU had resisted wind farms, which it derided for producing the Verspargelung (“asparagusing”) of the countryside, the sort of gibe that one hears more often from Green protesters. Now the Greens must promote progress that others recognise as such.
科瑞奇曼很难在核能问题上有所作为,因为这属于联邦的负责领域。巴符州四座核反应堆中,有两个在日本核危机发生后被关闭。这对于新的政府来说喜忧参半。马普斯最近拨款50亿马克(70亿美元)作为他们经营者45%的股份。绿党的贡献则是一个“能量转换”计划。该计划部分通过加快批准风力涡轮机而实现。该州的基民盟曾反对风力发电厂,并嘲笑它们是乡下生产Verspargelung (一种芦笋)的。这种讥讽的话经常可以从绿党抗议者那里听到。现在,绿党必须取得能为其他政党所认可的进步。
The problem, Mr Kretschmann and his party think, is that the government is too bossy. He proposes a “citizen society” that would recruit ordinary people to collaborate on big projects. He wants to lower hurdles for initiating referendums, to bring people into the early stages of project planning and to strengthen the legislature, which under the CDU was subservient to the executive. The big test is Stuttgart 21, a rail project that provoked months of mass protests that the Greens joined but the SPD did not. After a “stress test” to see if Stuttgart 21 can do what it promises, both parties want a referendum. Any outcome may discomfit Mr Kretschmann. If the project is stopped, Baden-Wurttemberg will be forced to pay contractors hundreds of millions in fees that it can ill afford. If not, the new premier may find himself boring tunnels while his former comrades march in protest overhead.