Facing the assassins
Somewhere, according to one of his five wives, was a man who loved sunflowers, and eating yogurt with honey; who took his children to the beach, and let them sleep under the stars; who enjoyed the BBC World Service and would go hunting with friends each Friday, sometimes mounted, like the Prophet, on a white horse. He liked the comparison. Yet the best thing in his life, he said, was that his jihads had destroyed the myth of all-conquering superpowers.
The price set on his head for more than a decade never bothered him, for Allah determined every breath in his body, and could ensure that the bombs dropped on his hideout at Tora Bora, or on his convoy through the mountains, never touched him. His martyr’s time would come when it came. The difference between pure Muslims and Americans, he said, was that Americans loved life, whereas Muslims loved death. Whether or not he resisted when the Crusaders’ special forces arrived, their bullets could only exalt him.
译注:译罢此文,想起阿来在《尘埃落定》里说的一句话:不知道为什么,宗教没有教会人们怎么去爱,反倒滋生出种种的仇恨。萨缪尔亨廷顿在文明的冲突和世界秩序的重构中提到,未来的最大威胁不是核战争,不是自然灾难,而是文明间的大冲突,作者认为伊斯兰文明和儒家文明最可能对西方文明进行威胁。他甚至提出了一系列如何应对这两种文明可能引发的“冲突”的方法。他预言伊斯兰和基督世界最终会有一战,十字军的历史终将再次上演。 对于本拉登这样的人,只能说当狂热的信仰被付之于偏执和狭隘,宗教便失去其普世的博爱价值。