


But there are caveats. For example, the analysis does not track changes over time in the areas being farmed, using instead a crop map from around 2000. And many agronomists hold that relying on year-to-year yield changes for modelling exaggerates the damage due to longer climate shifts. Farmers will tend to adapt. That said, subtler effects of climate change such as more sudden rains and particularly hot days with disproportionate effects on yield are left out, which might mean the study underestimates the effects.


Some people will be surprised, even dismayed, that comparatively modest climate changes are already doing measurable damage. But in context, it is quite small. Yields have been going up around the world despite the warming climate—and over 29 years those increases swamp the estimated global reductions due to climate. The sort of loss that climate change inflicts in a decade is often the sort of gain that better farming brings in a year. What is more, for wheat the increasing level of carbon dioxide that is changing the climate also makes photosynthesis easier, which should have increased yields enough to wipe out perhaps half of the climate-related loss (maize, which photosynthesises in a different way, is thus the bigger loser of the two in net terms).


Then there is a point made by Richard Tol of VU University Amsterdam: farm yields show the worst of the situation. Easily achievable improvements in roads, markets and other things can increase the availability of food a lot even if farm yields stop rising. And people can adapt, at least to lowish levels of change; indeed the study provides evidence to help them do so as it shows which crops in a given country are the most affected by global warming. So Malthus looks beatable even when he sits astride the apocalyptic horse of climate change.
