The senators argue that instead of building a costly new facility, the marines should be moved to a huge existing base in Okinawa called Kadena, and that part of the American air force currently at Kadena should be relocated to Guam. Okinawans living near Kadena stridently oppose the marines, but the senators say the idea could free up land and reduce noise levels around Kadena. Moreover, the senators say, with the huge costs of the March earthquake and tsunami, Japan can hardly afford to add to its fiscal burden. The third senator, Jim Webb, adds that Robert Gates, America’s outgoing defence secretary, is “very open to our suggestions”.
参议员认为,与其修建开销巨大的新基地,不如让海军搬到在冲绳嘉手纳(Kadena)已经修建好的巨大军事基地,而在这个基地的部分美国空军可以撤离到关岛。居住在嘉手纳附近的冲绳岛居民反对海军的到来,但是参议员说这个提议能腾出土地并且减少嘉手纳附近的噪音等级。此外,参议员说由于三月地震和海啸的巨大开销,日本很难承受的起撤离计划的财政负担。第三位参议员吉姆??韦伯(Jim Webb)补充道:“美国即将离任的国防部长罗伯特??盖茨(Robert Gates)非常同意我们的建议。”
All the same, this week Japanese and American officials, including Mr Campbell, reaffirmed their commitment to the relocation plan, as if the senators’ idea was off the table. Yet no one thinks the original deadline of 2014 for moving the base will be met. Indeed, given the opposition in Okinawa, perhaps Futenma’s replacement at Henoko will never be built. In which case, Kadena may prove the only option. It seems as foolhardy not to discuss the option as it is to maintain such an awkward silence over China’s rise.