


Internet security

An anonymous foe

Hackers hit big companies, the IMF and the headlines

Jun 16th 2011 | SAN FRANCISCO | from the print edition

DEFENCE companies such as Lockheed Martin have seen some of their cyber-defences penetrated. Sony, Google, Citigroup and other firms have had sensitive customer data swiped by high-tech intruders. The IMF has been the victim of a digital attack, as has the website of America’s Senate. And a hackers’ collective, called Anonymous, has threatened to launch an online assault on the computer systems of America’s Federal Reserve unless its chairman, Ben Bernanke, agrees to step down.

洛克西德马丁公司虽作为国防军企,却也意识到其部分网络防御被黑客所渗透。入侵者以其较高的技术窃取了索尼,谷歌,花旗集团等公司的客户敏感数据。国际货币基金组织成为了这次数字化入侵的受害者,美国参议院的官网也不能幸免。一个叫做“佚名”的黑客组织扬言,如果美联储的主席Ben Bernanke不愿下台,那就要对美联储的计算机系统发起网上攻击。

These and other events—such as the attack on the public website of the CIA, which was disrupted briefly on June 15th—have led to speculation that there has been a big increase in the threat posed by hackers in recent months. They have also reinforced a belief in some quarters that America is already engaged in a cyber war of sorts, most notably with China. Yet such claims are controversial.
