经济学人下载:一周要闻 英国脱欧内外夹击 特朗普移民庇护禁令被否 特朗普替沙特王储辩护
The world this week
The hard Brexiteers in Britain’s Conservative Party opposed to Theresa May’s Brexit deal with the eu struggled to get enough support to depose her. The deal will have a rough ride in Parliament. In a warning shot, Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party, which Mrs May relies upon for a governing majority, voted against her government on budget measures, claiming she had broken promises about the treatment of the province under the deal. The focus switched to Brussels, where Mrs May engaged in some shuttle diplomacy to iron out the details of her agreement ahead of an eu summit.
反对特蕾莎·梅与欧盟(EU)达成退欧协议的英国保守党(Conservative Party)中强硬的退欧派竭力争取足够的支持来罢免她。该协议在议会将面临艰难的挑战。在一次警告中,特蕾莎梅赖以获得执政多数席位的北爱尔兰民主统一党(Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party)投票反对她的预算政策,称她违背了协议中对北爱尔兰作出的承诺。焦点转向了布鲁塞尔,英国首相在布鲁塞尔进行了一些穿梭外交,以便在欧盟首脑会议之前敲定退欧协议的细节。
Russia tried to get its nominee chosen as the new head of Interpol, the international policing organisation. After last-minute opposition by many countries, a South Korean was elected instead. The main objection to having Vladimir Putin’s man in the job was that Russia often tries to use Interpol to arrest blameless critics abroad.
俄罗斯想让本国的候选人当选国际刑警组织(Interpol)新任主席。在最后一刻遭到众多国家的反对后,一名韩国人意外当选。反对普京(Vladimir Putin)的亲信担任该职务的主要理由是,俄罗斯经常试图利用国际刑警组织(Interpol)在国外逮捕无辜的批评人士。
The European Commission ruled that Italy’s budget for next year violates its fiscal rules, and proposed a process that could lead to sanctions under its excessive-deficits procedure. Europe’s leaders must approve the move before it goes any further, possibly at a summit in December.
欧盟委员会(European Commission)裁定,意大利明年的预算违反了其财政规则,并提议可能会根据其过度赤字程序实施制裁。欧洲领导人必须批准这一举措,然后才能采取进一步行动,也许会在12月的欧盟峰会做出决定。
Restraining order
A judge in America temporarily blocked an order by Donald Trump that would deny migrants who enter the country illegally the opportunity to claim asylum. The judge said Mr Trump had tried to “rewrite the immigration laws”. Mr Trump criticised the ruling, which he said had been made by an “Obama judge”. That earned a rare public rebuke from John Roberts, the chief justice of the Supreme Court, who said “we do not have Obama judges or Trump judges” but “dedicated judges”.
美国一名法官暂时阻止了总统特朗普(Donald Trump)的一项命令,该命令将剥夺非法进入美国的移民申请庇护的机会。该法官表示,特朗普曾试图“修改移民法”。特朗普批评了这项裁决,并表示,这项裁决是“奥巴马法官”做出的。最高法院首席大法官约翰·罗伯茨(John Roberts)罕见地公开谴责了这一说法。罗伯茨指出,“美国没有奥巴马或特朗普法官之分”,只有“敬业的法官”。
A private American firm, Ocean Infinity, found the wreck of an Argentine submarine, the San Juan, that disappeared in November 2017 with 44 crew members on board. Argentina’s defence minister said the government did not have the equipment to raise the submarine from its resting place, some 900 metres below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean.
美国私营企业Ocean Infinity发现了阿根廷潜艇“圣胡安”号(San Juan)的残骸。该潜艇于2017年11月失踪,船上有44名船员。阿根廷国防部长表示,政府没有能将这艘潜艇打捞出水的设备,该潜艇位于大西洋水下约900米处。
Alan García, a former president of Peru, sought asylum in Uruguay’s embassy in Lima. A judge barred Mr García from leaving the country while prosecutors investigate allegations that he took bribes. Mr García says he is a victim of political persecution.
秘鲁前总统阿兰·加西亚(Alan García)向乌拉圭驻利马大使馆寻求庇护。一名法官禁止加西亚离境,同时检察官正在对其受贿的指控进行调查。加西亚称,自己受到了政治迫害。
“Maybe he did and maybe he didn’t!” said Donald Trump, dodging the question of whether Muhammad bin Salman, the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, ordered the killing of Jamal Khashoggi, a dissident Saudi journalist. The cia reportedly concluded that Prince Muhammad is responsible for Khashoggi’s death. Ignoring his own intelligence agency, Mr Trump said America would remain a “steadfast partner” of the kingdom.
“也许他做了,也许没做!”美国总统特朗普在回避沙特王储萨勒曼(Muhammad bin Salman)是否下令杀害持不同政见的沙特记者卡舒吉(Jamal Khashoggi)一事时说道。据报道,美国中情局得出结论,王储萨勒曼应对卡舒吉遇害一事负责。而特朗普无视本国的情报机构,仍然认定美国仍将是沙特“坚定的合作伙伴”。
A British phd student was found guilty of spying and sentenced to life in prison in the United Arab Emirates. Matthew Hedges denies the charge; his family says he was made to sign a confession he could not read.
英国一名博士生被发现犯有间谍罪,并在阿联酋被判处终身监禁。马修斯·赫奇斯(Matthew Hedges)否认了这一指控;他的家人表示,马修斯被迫在一份他看不懂的供词上签字。
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