经济学人下载:一周要闻 美航母舰长被撤职 拜登暗示网络选举 伊朗逐步复工
Iran’s president, Hassan Rouhani, said that “low-risk” economic activities would resume in most areas. Iran has struggled to contain one of the world’s worst outbreaks of covid-19. But the government is worried about the effect of its mitigation efforts on the economy, which was already reeling because of sanctions.
伊朗总统哈桑·鲁哈尼(Hassan Rouhani)表示,大部分地区将恢复“低风险”的经济活动。伊朗一直在努力控制新冠病毒(世界上最严重的致命病毒)的爆发。但是政府担心其缓解措施对经济的影响,因为制裁已经导致经济摇摇欲坠。
Negotiations took place to free the leader of the opposition in Mali, Soumaïla Cissé, after he was kidnapped by gunmen believed to be affiliated with al-Qaeda, a jihadist group.
马里反对派领袖苏迈拉·西塞(Soumaila Cisse)被据信与圣战组织基地组织有关的武装分子绑架后,各方为了释放人质进行了谈判。
The British Labour Party elected Sir Keir Starmer as its new leader, replacing Jeremy Corbyn, who in December led Labour to its worst election defeat since 1935. The party’s new deputy leader, Angela Rayner, a Manchester native, may help the party recover the “red wall” of northern seats it lost to the Tories in December, though it has its work cut out. As the pandemic deepens the Conservative government’s popularity is hitting new highs.
英国工党选举基尔·斯塔默爵士(Sir Keir Starmer)为新党魁,取代杰里米·科尔宾。后者去年12月领导工党遭遇自1935年以来最严重的选举失败。工党的新任副领袖安吉拉·雷纳是曼彻斯特人,这一点或将帮助该党恢复去年12月输给保守党的北部席位的“红墙”,不过仍然有很多工作要完成。随着新冠疫情的加剧,保守党政府的支持率创下新高。
Ecuador’s top court convicted Rafael Correa, who was president of the country from 2007 to 2017, of corruption and sentenced him to eight years in jail. He was charged with accepting $8m in bribes in exchange for awarding public contracts. Mr Correa, who is living in Belgium, can appeal.
厄瓜多尔最高法院判定2007年至2017年担任该国总统的拉斐尔·科雷亚(Rafael Correa)犯有腐败罪,判处其8年监禁。他被控收受800万美元贿赂,以换取公共合同。居住在比利时的科雷亚先生可以上诉。
A Venezuelan naval patrol vessel fired on an unarmed Portuguese-flagged cruise ship, the rcgs Resolute, which it claimed was in its waters. Columbia Cruise Services said the holiday craft, hardened to withstand polar ice, was rammed by the Venezuelan vessel, which then sank. All 44 Venezuelan sailors were rescued. Their commanders congratulated them on their “impeccable performance”.
Joe Biden floated the idea that voters in America’s presidential election might have to participate by mail only.
The captain of the uss Theodore Roosevelt was fired after asking for help when covid-19 spread among his sailors. Officials said he had not gone through the proper channels in airing his complaint. The captain was given a rousing send-off by sailors. After a backlash, the head of the navy resigned.
In South Africa a man was charged with spreading fake news about testing.
Scotland’s chief medical officer resigned after she broke the government’s advice by leaving her house, twice, during lockdown to visit her second home.
A tiger in the Bronx Zoo is thought to have contracted covid-19 from an infected zookeeper. There is no evidence that tigers can give the disease to humans.