



Outside Cleveland, Ohio, PT Tech builds parts for all kinds of heavy equipment.

“Everything for made, clutch that goes in a submarine, to various mining processing.”

Doug Herr is Head of Sales for the company’s Aero Torque division.

Ohio ranked only 26th in US wind power capacity last year.So Herr says Ohioans may not know the part that wind power really plays here.

“They look around and see very few wind turbines and say, ’There’s not much wind business in the US.But what they don’t realize is, there’s companies making gears, there’s companies making specialized clutches like us.”

And demand for those companies’ products is growing.

Utilities added more renewable energy generation than fossil fuels in four of the last five years.

When you talk about the growth of renewables and particularly the growth of wind,it’s gonna drive domestic manufacturing jobs, and that’s gold.”

But while President Trump’s “America First Energy Plan” backs oil, gas and coal.It makes no mention of renewables, Herr says that’s mistake.

“If we don’t step up and lead and move into the future on this, these jobs are moving to China. These jobs are moving to India, they already have.”

Five of the world’s top ten wind turbine makers and five of the top six solar panel companies are Chinese.And Beijing strongly supports its renewable energy industry.

Says China expert Ranping Song with the World Resources Institute,

“China actually sees really good global economic opportunities to export this green technology,because every country will want to have them.”

Song adds that the government is also investing in wind and solar to help clean up the country’s toxic air pollution.

It’s not clear that the United States will pull back from renewables.

Rick Perry, Trump’s pick for energy secretary, flied his green credentials at his confirmation hearing.

“During my time as governor, Texas took the national lead in wind energy development,now produces more wind, as Senator Corine reminded you of, than seven countries, excuse me, five countries.”

Plus, the cost of wind power has fallen 41 percent since 2008.Solar is down 64 percent, they now compete with fossil fuels on price.

That’s why Doug Herr is confident about the future.

Whether or not you’re a believer or not believer in global warming, the economics wins.

That could mean a win for wind power for US workers and for the climate.

Steve Baragona, VOA news, Sherine Center, Ohio.