



In New York City, all are welcome, according to the latest tourism campaign.But it’s safe to say that one visitor, in particular, challenges that slogan.

“He’s not welcome here.”

Amanda Johnson is one of many protestors who will take to the streets when President Trump meets with Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull aboard the USS Intrepid.The two will commemorate the nations’ alliance during a major World War Two naval battle.

The trip will be Trump’s first to New York since taking office.

“So in this way, we have, you know, like 7,000 people who’re either at least interested and a thousand and a half of them are actually going.”

Johnson isn’t the only New Yorker taking action.Sother Teague and Ravi DeRossi have opened the aptly-named Coup bar,where patrons can donate to non-profits that they believe are endangered by the new administration.

“I mean, 100 days in, this is, um… I wish the pain were lessening.But it’s really not, every day it’s kind of, what the fresh hell is this?”

Of course not all Americans are New Yorkers.

“We have other less urban places in which people are living much less densely, much more rurally, often not working at all.Donald Trump was essentially a rural candidate who appealed to many, many lightly-populated counties. ”

Trump won 2,584 counties to Hillary Clinton’s 472 counties.Despite broader representation, the counties Trump won contributed less to the country’s overall GDP,36 percent compared to Clinton’s 64 percent, according to an analysis by the Brookings Institution.

What will be important now will be consensus around economic programs that benefit both sides of the urban-rural divide.”

Trump lost New York City by a 4-to-1 margin, and that sentiment has not changed since the November election.

We value success and people that, you know, strive and go for their dreams. This city is a city of, like, hustlers, really.But from what I understand, the way that he’s gotten to his success is by treading down on people, and that’s not something we value."

Come Thursday, the same New York hustle and attitude that made "The Donald" famous will be there to greet him.

Tina Trinh, VOA news, New York.