


In the sports world, repetitive movements and muscle overuse eventually lead to strain and injury.

But athletes aren’t the only one suffering.

A more modern day activity with similar consequences——texting.

“The more and more that people are texting and being on their computers, on their phone, too, any type of technology.They are really, they are suffering later on.”

Turns out constantly gazing down on your phone puts a lot of tension on your neck and spine.

A condition that even has its own name, text neck.

“A lot of the curves of the neck can change, so instead of the cervical spine going inward, the curve can be a little bit different,and it causes nerve pain and herniation and different muscle tension headaches, different things that really can reduce quality of life.”

So much so that there is now a class in New York City called “Pilates for Text Necks”.

“Now we’re going to bring our chins further and closer, make it like a double chin.”

Kimberly Fielding created the class after noticing many of her clients coming in with forward head posture.

The class uses different exercises to release tension in the upper body and strengthen back and neck muscles.

“It’s a little uncomfortable, but it’s because those muscles a lot times are so weak from being overstretched and being in this other position.”

The class also focuses on breathing and posture, for a quick fix, Fielding recommends holding your phone at eye level.

“I feel like I used to carry a lot of tension, especially in my upper arms, and have, like, this, like…, feeling.But now I feel I have a neck now.”

“You can see the eye line change right away and the gaze is horizontal now, and they are very aligned.”

Skeptics may have their doubts, but texting isn’t going away anytime soon.Now it doesn’t have to be a pain in the neck.

Tina Trinh, VOA news, New York.