
VOA常速英语:Will US-North Korea Relations in 2019 be ’Fire and Fury’ or Engagement


Fire and fury...Toward the end of 2017, US president Donald Trump took a harsh stance against North Korea and its leader Jim Jong-un for threatening the United States.And as I said, they will be met with fire, fury and frankly, power, the likes of which this world has never seen before. Thank you.
After North Korea successfully tested its wasps on 15 missile which Pyongyang says can strike the United States,Kim pivoted toward a policy of engagement with the world.Since then, there hasn’t been an intercontinental ballistic missile or nuclear test in over a year.What the world has seen as Kim’s sister, kim Yo Jong represent North Korea at the 2018 Pyeongchang Olympics in South Korea alongside US Vice President Mike Pence.In April, South Korean President Moon Jae-in held the first of three summits with Kim,with the pair agreeing to work toward denuclearization, ease military tensions and improve inter-Korean relations.
在朝鲜成功测试了15枚其声称可以击败美国的“黄蜂”导弹后,金正恩转向与世界接轨的政策。从那以后,一年多来没有进行过洲际弹道导弹或核试验。在2018年韩国平昌奥运会上,金正恩的妹妹金与正代表朝鲜出席, 与美国副总统迈克·彭斯坐在一道。4月,韩国总统文在寅与金正恩举行了三场峰会中的第一次,双方同意努力实现无核化、缓和军事紧张局势、改善朝韩关系。
Their third summit in September brought about concrete plans to promote economic gains between the two countries and reduce the chances of skirmishes.There was a historic meeting in June between Trump and Kim in Singapore,the first meeting ever between a North Korean leader and a sitting US president.The Asan Institute’s Seong Whun Cheon downplayed the importance of the summits, criticizing the lack of concrete outcomes.
他们在9月举行的第三次峰会中提出了促进两国经济增长、减少小规模冲突几率的具体计划。6月份特朗普与金正恩在新加坡举行了历史性的会晤,这是朝鲜领导人和在任美国总统的首次会晤。峨山政策研究所的Seong Whun Cheon淡化了峰会的重要性,批评峰会没有取得确切的成果。
My point is they are not big moments, moments.It’s looking good, it’s a window window-dressing without any substance.Since the third inter-Korean summit in September, North Korea’s denuclearization talks have stalled and their future remains unknown as 2019 approaches.You’re on a crew with the Institute for North Korean Studies sees a number of possible scenarios.I think the best scenario for everybody is Kim Jong-un changes his mind and becomes serious about denuclearization.Analysts say the path toward North Korean denuclearization is a long one and a progress continues to stall.Tensions could once more rise to previous levels on the peninsula.
我的意思是这不是重要的时刻。看起来不错,当时死一个没有实质内容的花瓶。自9月举行第三次朝韩首脑会议以来,朝鲜的无核化谈判陷入停滞,2019年即将来临,其未来仍然未知。您与朝鲜研究所的工作人员可以看到许多可能的情景。我认为对每个人来说最好的情况是金正恩改变主意,对无核化采取严肃的态度。分析家表示,走向朝鲜无核化的道路很漫长,进展持续停滞。 紧张局势可能回升到半岛以前的紧张水平。
Steve Miller, VOA News, Seoul.
美国之音新闻,Steve Miller 首尔报道。