


Goneare the days when a government agency –- like the United States Agency forInternational Development -- could only assist the developing world by sendingmaterial assistance like food and medicine; or by providing expertise in theform of doctors and teachers.

Inrecent years, three quiet revolutions have taken place which reshape how weapproach development, said USAID Administrator Mark Green at the 2019 ConcordiaAnnual Summit in New York.

Thefirst is the technological revolution. For example, with mobile phones nowwidely available, USAID uses them to provide access to microfinance, track andtreat diseases, help with election monitoring, and even boost crop production.

Thesecond revolution, he said, is no less dramatic. “When USAID first began, aboutthree out of every four dollars that went from America to the developing worldwas government money…These days, that number is less than 1 out of every 10dollars. And it’s not because government has backed off or backed down,” Mr.Green noted. “It’s because private resources have raced ahead. Philanthropy,remittances, but more than anything else, commerce and investment.”

Thethird revolution is the most exciting in terms of the potential for long-termsustainable development, declared Administrator Green. Agencies like USAID areco-financing, co-designing and co-creating with private enterprise -- theengine that generates real and lasting opportunities, particularly for youngpeople around the world.

Hepointed to the example of USAID’s collaboration with UBS Optimus Foundation totry to establish 400 health centers in the state of Rajasthan, India, to meetthe highest quality standards. The investment bank UBS fronts the capital andUSAID works with partners to provide the training and expertise to meet thestandards. When and if the centers succeed in meeting them, USAID repays theinitial investors.

AdministratorGreen described the venture as one of several that provide “public benefit,enterprise-powered results.”

“Thereare so many ways in which the interests of private enterprise, which seeks tocreate sustainable markets, lines up very well with our mission of liftinglives, of tackling poverty, and creating stability and prosperity,” Mr. Greensaid. “So we work together to try to design, using the best capacities of eachto produce those outcomes.”

“The future is enterprise-driven. And thesky’s the limit.”